Sideshows: How This Illegal Street Activity Is Coming To The Track.

Sideshows: How This Illegal Street Activity Is Coming To The Track.

Lately, there have been more and more news reports about Sideshow takeovers, where groups will take over an intersection and spin donuts, do burnouts, and more for the crowds that gather in a hurry. Some of these drivers have real skill and really do put on a show, but there are accidents that hurt folks sometimes, and the antics disrupt local businesses and more. Needless to say, the public and police don’t dig them.

So when Alex at Sac Speed Shop started putting on his own events at Sacramento Raceway they were HUGE, and showed that there was a need.

When Holley announced they were putting on a new LSFest event in Las Vegas a couple of years ago, Alex brought his brand of fun and the Sideshow was one of the biggest hits at the entire event. Watch this video from the guys at Auto Revolution and you’ll see why.

Video Description:

Starting as an after-party to illegal street races; sideshows have taken on a style and culture of their own. The takeovers of city intersections and freeways have catapulted them to the spotlight with law enforcement cracking down on the dangerous sideshows. In the last few years, Sac Speed Shop and Holley’s LS Fest have helped to bring the sideshows from the street onto the track to keep everyone safe and out of the impound lot. Holley’s LS Fest West features the Sac Speed Shop Donut Pit this year in Las Vegas, NV.

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