Dajiban! Another Great Look at the World of Dodge Race Vans in Japan

Dajiban! Another Great Look at the World of Dodge Race Vans in Japan

Dodge Ram vans don’t really stand out in this country. Most have been worn down to the nub and the custom vanning scene, while enjoying a resurgence, isn’t as keen on the old Mopar haulers as they are with older Tradesman and Econolines. However, there is a place in the world that has a vibrant following of 1980s and 1990s Dodge vans and it’s probably not a place you’d think, like Finland or the United Kingdom. Nope, it’s Japan, where the Dodge Van culture has been truncated to just one word: Dajiban. Allow Alexi from Noriyaro to explain in this video.

The Dajiban following started because Japanese motorcycle racers needed a vehicle to haul their bikes and tools around to the various racetracks. As happens with most racers, anything that one can do, someone will try to top them. So customizing the Dajibans along with the motorcycles became competitive and, before you knew it, Dajiban owners were building their own vans in a way that hasn’t been celebrated since the American Vannin’ days. It’s vintage Vannin’ today, down to the Little Trees air fresheners.

And what’s more: They race them on the racetrack.

It’s weird. It’s unique. It’s glorious. It’s Dajiban. We dare you not to love this.

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2 thoughts on “Dajiban! Another Great Look at the World of Dodge Race Vans in Japan

  1. tw

    Thats some Japanese creativity right there . Good to see something different than the mainstream trend here in america ( put a chevy engine in everything )

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