It might be two years coming, but Althea Racing’s Niccolò Canepa has been summoned to appear before a Judge Of Peace in Florence, Italy on September 30, 2015 to answer for an incident that took place at Mugello Circuit on September 23, 2013 involving Suzuki rider Davide Cappato. CCTV footage recorded at that session shows that between the Poggio Secco and Materassi turns, Canepa, visibly angry with Cappato, made a movement that, according to the accusation, is Canepa purposely grabbing or smacking Cappato’s front brake lever, which worked the front brake hard enough to front-flip the Suzuki and send Cappato to the track, breaking his collarbone and putting him in the path of traffic.
We can throw around words like “accused” and “supposed” and all that, but the footage says it all: Canepa was obviously angry at Cappoto, and whatever he did do when he reached out to the Suzuki caused the crash and the resulting injuries. If it weren’t for the near-telepathic ability of the rider behind them to avoid the scene, Cappoto’s injuries might be a touch worse and there would be another name in this story. What would be the most appropriate punishment for Canepa?
what a ( word starting with `c’ describing a lady’s front bottom)
“Front bottom”? That’s a new one…
You mean Mike Hunt?
I say Canepa should be banned from racing for at least 2 yrs.
Appropriate punishment? Make him ride around a track with zero safety gear, at speed, while Cappato and crew can take pot shots at him with Super Soakers full of motor oil.
Prison for 6 months and a lifetime ban on racing.
I’m with you, Dave. Banned from racing for two years? No. Life.
I agree.
I also agree.
Davide Cappato must be healed up by now. Were I him, I would find Niccolò Canepa and slap some manners into him. Hell, I would swat him so hard, his kids would be born dizzy. Why do we need f—— lawyers to settle every difference we have in life.
Lifetime ban from all racing, all records expunged, 3 to 5 years in prison for attempted man slaughter.
While I do not condone this behavior I think a lifetime ban is too much. It was a dick move. Why does it always go to lawyers and court. Let them battle this out behind the trailers in the pits.