The Ford Fest 50 was an epic and fun circle track race that featured a great group of racers along with Chelsea DeNofa and Vaughn Gittin Jr. who were put into a couple of race cars to see how they could stack up against the locals. The action was hot and heavy, the fun meter was pegged at eleventy, and we all laughed, yelled, screamed, and clapped. Chelsea DeNofa did everything he could to drift the entire course, resulting in a right rear tire failure in the final laps, while Vaughn mixed it up with Chelsea and others switching off between trying to get to the front and trying to put on a show. Ultimately I even pulled some shenanigans to make sure the racing was as fun as possible.
The famed NASCAR “Debris Caution” came out when I accidentally dropped my water bottle onto the track, we changed the track configuration partway through the race, and more. Watch the action in this video and enjoy. It was a good time had by all and despite the shenanigans, it was a really good race with ultra-tight action that had the winner thrilled and in tears.