Here’s The Day 6 Update From The 48-Hour Camaro Build At Barrett-Jackson in Scottsdale.

Here’s The Day 6 Update From The 48-Hour Camaro Build At Barrett-Jackson in Scottsdale.

We’re having an awesome time at Barrett-Jackson in Scottsdale, checking out cars, drooling over high dollar builds, and putting together the 48-Hour Camaro inside the Restoration Garage. The team is still smiling, still thrashing, and working to put together a premier pro-touring machine in just one lazy week of building. Yeah right! Building a car to this level, in this amount of time, requires some serious coordination, skill, and commitment. The team has all of that thankfully, and we’re glad to be a part of it, that’s for sure.

We’ve been posting up a short daily update and highlight video and they are getting better and better although we are coming into the delirious phase and getting goofy as well. If you haven’t watched any of them you are missing out, so check out yesterdays right here.

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