The Hoonigan Guys Are Building Their Own Death Kart – Miata Based And CHEAP!!!

The Hoonigan Guys Are Building Their Own Death Kart – Miata Based And CHEAP!!!

With all the Corvette Karts being built, a trend we started a jillion year’s ago when we did the original Vette Hack at Hot Rod Magazine, it is kind of surprising that more people haven’t been building them out of lots of other vehicles. Don’t get us wrong, we know that there are some out there, and plenty of fun to be had, but when we saw that the Hoonigan boys were using their Miata to build one we were in love from the get go! We love LS Swapped Miatas, and although their’s is not LS powered, it could be, and that makes us happy. Here are the first two episodes of the Miata Death Kart build. Check it out.


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1 thoughts on “The Hoonigan Guys Are Building Their Own Death Kart – Miata Based And CHEAP!!!

  1. Salvadore Dali

    Don\’t people ever tire of following someone else\’s lead? For how much talent is out there we continually see the same stuff regurgitated, the slammed older truck with wires/alum seats/Mexican blankets, fake rubbed out patina, this crap sawed off kart rubbish, and this overall beater look makes me want to scream. What I\’d give for one more Scott Sullivan, or Gary Kollofski. For everyone else who likes the sheep approach to building, good on you. We can all have an opinion.

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