Is The DeltaWing Going To Become A Road Car? It Just Might, If Don Panoz Gets His Way

Is The DeltaWing Going To Become A Road Car? It Just Might, If Don Panoz Gets His Way

Panoz has built cars before, but in extremely limited numbers and only in two main models: the Roadster, which dates back to an Irish sports car developed in the early 1980s, and the Esperante, which was, for the most part, a Mustang Cobra with a serious penchant for road course work. They’ve fashioned themselves into an all-American boutique manufacturer of sorts, had one concept that pretty much disappeared (the Abruzzi) and have been pimping out the same two cars for the last twenty-plus years.

Panoz Esperante

Panoz Esperante

Don Panoz, the money behind the operation, has indicated that there may be a third option, and one that will be unconventional, to say the least. If he gets his way, the DeltaWing, the strange narrow-nosed race car that was designed as part of a group that included the All American Racers, Nissan (which turned into one serious legal mess), and Ben Bowlby, will be coming to market soon as a road car. The DeltaWing that has been raced is normally run with a sub-2.0L four cylinder pushing about 350 horsepower backed by a five-speed, but if this comes to fruition, expect a turbo four to come from most likely partner Ford instead of the Élan or Nissan engines used in the past, and expect the opening cost to be a fairly reasonable (for a boutique manufacturer, anyways) $60,000 or so.

Also expect this thing to handle. Panoz owns Road Atlanta, so there is no reason for the car to be anything less than magical when it comes to corners, especially with the DeltaWing’s race history and Panoz’s backgrounds in other racing formats. And if Don Panoz can be believed, the DeltaWing shape tested to have a 42% increase in efficiency and the potential for up to 70 miles per gallon, which we will believe only when we see it. Take what you will from his claims, but the company has been able to sell cars. Time will only tell if the narrow-nosed DeltaWing will translate into a legitimate sports car or not.


(Courtesy: World Car Fans)

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2 thoughts on “Is The DeltaWing Going To Become A Road Car? It Just Might, If Don Panoz Gets His Way


    Buddy (not a car guy) and I were just talking about this thing after his comment of “why can’t cars do anything revolutionary” His take is that they’d need to do something that radically altered how a car was done. His take is that even the Google selfdriving car still looked like what you would expect when you say car.

    He agreed this thing is not what you expect when you say car. I’d want to drive one!

  2. ColoradoKid

    When will the people behind this travesty of a car finally come to the realization that the entire concept is and has been Dead Man Walking too stupid to fall over since its inception ?

    And now … the king of dead in the water concepts and cars .. Mr Panoz .. comes forth to try and keep the beast upright for yet another day . Proving yet one more time the More Money than Brains [ or engineering skills ] still continues to exist … especially in the automotive world ..

    .. with the delusional amongst us walking in lock step like lemmings to the slaughter right behind heading for the edge of the abyss .

    Seriously … doesn\’t anyone pay attention to the Laws of Physics anymore ?

    Advanced … my @$& !

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