Morning Symphony: Uncorking A Lancia Delta Up A Hillclimb…You Like Boost, Right?

Morning Symphony: Uncorking A Lancia Delta Up A Hillclimb…You Like Boost, Right?

What’s your morning boost? What is it that takes you from a dragging, half-lidded mongoloid whose only response to any question is a grunt, to a shiny, positive person who is ready to take on the day? Most of you will say “coffee” or “caffeine”. Amateurs. “Protien powder in my kale smoothie!” Oh, dear sweet…stop tormenting yourself. Kale isn’t delicious, stop pretending it is. No, what you need in your life is a different kind of boost. We aren’t talking a speed pill or illicit dust, either…we mean boost. Pressure. Forced induction. One of the most solid methods of going fast there is. Boost is what makes an ordinary, garden variety four-cylinder engine turn into a snarling, psychotic weasel, complete with teeth, claws and a “kill at will” attitude. Boost can take a car like the Lancia Delta, an otherwise forgettable Italian five-door hatch, and turn it into one of the most respected and feared rally cars the world has ever known. Boost will turn that frown upside down, put a pep into your step, and while we aren’t promising that it won’t help out in the bedroom, we are willing to say that it can’t hurt!

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