Rough Day At Work: EVOC Training With The California Highway Patrol

Rough Day At Work: EVOC Training With The California Highway Patrol

Who do we have to kiss up to in order to try our hand at EVOC driving? Effectively, the Emergency Vehicle Operator’s Course, at least for police, is designed to ensure that officers of the law can handle their machine in all of the situations that can reasonably be predicted during the course of their duties. Official jargon complete, here’s the real translation: it’s a course designed to take all of those delinquent traits that you practiced on backroads and in empty parking lots and hones those skills down so that when you are on duty, you don’t ball up a $35,000 police cruiser due to your enthusiasm and heavy right foot. That’s how EVOC training is more than just “How To Drive Like A Teenaged A-Hole 101”.

We’re all about saving tax dollars here. Nobody wants to help the cops fork up for another Charger that got mutilated because Officer Friendly drifted wide, overcorrected and went nose-first into a barrier while trying to stop someone wound up on chemicals. But seriously…when the cops are getting in on what looks to be a black-and-white version of a Joie Chitwood stunt show combined with big, broad drifts that would leave even the most jaded Formula Drift guys nodding their approval, at some point in time we are going to need to have a taste of that action.

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1 thoughts on “Rough Day At Work: EVOC Training With The California Highway Patrol

  1. old guy

    Michigan SP has the best driver program in the country
    The test course had a lap time you had to meet to pass the course.
    One AWB kept failing and ran his mouth about no one could run that time
    A senior instructor had discussion with the lad who stuck to his guns .
    The instructor then proceeded to go out and run a lap lower then the required time .

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