Were you a dirt magnet when you were a kid? Fess up…when you finally came in from a hard day of playing, did the master of the laundry room facepalm themselves so hard that they left a mark on their forehead? Did you ever grow out of it? No? Then bubba, we have something that you need to go see in person. It’s called Mudders, Ballers and Rock Crawlers (MBRC) and it’s 586 acres of off-roading heaven about an hour northwest of the Dallas-Fort Worth metro in Texas, near a little town called Jacksboro, and if you want to come out and play in the mud, you better bring something worth mudding in. Any place that has a mud pit with a ramp at the edge only put said ramp there as a dare for anybody to give it a shot. And being Texas…well, sooner or later somebody was going to line up and air out their rig for the whole world to see!