This May Be The Greatest GMC Cabover Ever And It’s Begging To Be A Ramp Truck!

This May Be The Greatest GMC Cabover Ever And It’s Begging To Be A Ramp Truck!

You know why this 1955 GMC Cabover may be my favorite ever? Because it’s not the normal size you see. No, this is the big boy big rig sized beast and it’s even Detroit 6-71 powered! It still has the original engine in it, and an Eaton 5 speed trans with a Rockwell rear axle. I’m in love. Don’t get me wrong, I’d likely dump all or most of the chassis, and all or most of the drivetrain right out of this sucker, but I sure as hell would keep that bitchin 6-71 blower that’s on it and put it on a hot rod of mine! There is no doubt that this would be a pretty high dollar project to complete, but man it would be cool as hell when it was done. Just have to win Powerball today….

1955 GMC Cabover 3

1955 GMC Cabover tractor. Has original 6-71Detroit engine w/ Eaton 5 speed tranny, Rockwell rear.
Motor was running when parked. Was a Maricopa County utility tractor. Have paperwork from Arizona.
Cab and body in generally good condition.
No trades, no sales reps or scammers !

PLS. no texts. Call Fred  (760) 535-0810

$4000.00 or OBO

1955 GMC Cabover 2 1955 GMC Cabover 4 1955 GMC Cabover 5

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1 thoughts on “This May Be The Greatest GMC Cabover Ever And It’s Begging To Be A Ramp Truck!

  1. RK

    Nice! My favourite is still the GMC / Chevy cabovers from around 1961. Great looking sheet-metal, not boxy. If anybody sees one done up ramp-style or rat-style, send me a link!

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