Amazing End Over End Trophy Truck Crash In Baja: This Is Not Going To Buff Out!

Amazing End Over End Trophy Truck Crash In Baja: This Is Not Going To Buff Out!

Whether in a truck, a buggy, or on a bike, going through a whoops section and casing the nose into the next whoop is never good. At best it brings you to a sudden stop that has all of your insides smashing up against your ribs. At worst it flips you over like this Trophy Truck. This is during pre-running apparently, before the Baja 1000, but it is amazingly brutal. This truck cases a small jump/whoop and goes end over end repeatedly before about landing on top of some spectators. Thankfully those spectators were on the spot and rendering aid within seconds. We have no idea how the driver and passenger held up, but we are assuming by the response of rescuers that they survived. Although “walking away” from something like this is probably a very painful endeavor.

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