Diesel Trucks VS Hurricane Harvey In Houston: Big Water, Some Fun, And A Fair Amount Of Help

Diesel Trucks VS Hurricane Harvey In Houston: Big Water, Some Fun, And A Fair Amount Of Help

Everyone in the world has been glued to the tv, internet, and radio absorbing all the information and news we can get on Hurrican Harvey and the devastation in South Texas, but during all of the chaos there has been an incredible number of people who have headed to Texas to help. Some of them in big diesel trucks. Lifted Super Duties, Rams, and Duramax’s of all shapes and sizes were there and helping. And of course there is no shortage of big truck already in Texas, so we’re sure a ton of the help came from locals as well. In this video you’ll see some of them helping, some having fun, and some just there to show the true measure of the water depth. You’ll also see hundreds of boats that were towed to South Texas by their owners to help in any way they can. The number of boats is truly amazing. But this video is just a little taste about the trucks.

Watch and enjoy.

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One thought on “Diesel Trucks VS Hurricane Harvey In Houston: Big Water, Some Fun, And A Fair Amount Of Help

  1. sbg

    my dad used to own a shop in a place that flooded ever 20 years. I still remember the jackasses who would do this down the street and cause huge amounts of damage to the nearby buildings because of the wakes. The only good thing about all of that is the knowledge that the sewer plants had overflowed and that pristine water was filled with all sorts of nasty diseases. Good.

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