We’re not sure why this truck is upside down, but we sure love the way it gets right side up. In fact, this is so easy and simple that it makes us want to do our own movie special effects. Do you think UHaul or Ryder would gripe as long as we paid for the Collision Damage Waiver? And even if they did, would anyone care? Despite the gentle nature of the initial movement of this truck, it’s sort of violent when it goes over and yet only seems to have tweaked the box slightly. Who knows, maybe a ratchet strap or two would straighten it out!
Engineering tires on the ground, large sway bar installed, go! Wait, did anyone set the parking brake??
would have been pretty funny if it had crushed the car to the right of it, yeah the box looked tweaked, how did it get upside down in the first place??
It pays to make sure the parking break is set. I’m surprised there wasn’t more damage to the box.
achmed was trying to drift and tipped it over.