When a viewer and fan offers you a really cool truck, at a really cool price that you’d never get otherwise, you jump at it if you can. I know I would! And Freiburger is no idiot, so he surely did. When this 1969 C/20 Chevy pickup became available, with all the best grandpa mods, he knew that seeing it wasn’t a requirement and that he needed to have it. So he agreed to buy it, handed some money to the seller, and proceeded to drive it 820 miles home to SoCal. And I’m really, really, jealous. Check it out.
Video Description:
This 1969 Chevy C/20 pickup was the score of a lifetime! I bought it sight unseen, and in this video you’ll see me road trip to home for 820 miles through the desolate Mojave Desert. Amboy, Joshua Tree, Twentynine Palms, all the hot spots. Of course I’ll give you some trivia, history, and abandoned places along the way. And I located a lost WWII airfield!
Speaking of the airfield, check out https://airfieldsfreeman.com/ for the most incredible collection of abandoned airports anywhere. I gave a slightly wrong url in the video.