Ian Johnson is the tall haired dude that used to be on Extreme 4×4. You know, the guy that builds anything and everything, is capable of fab work, drivetrain work, and so much more. We always watched his shows back in the day and are thrilled that he’s got his own projects going on his own channel now. I’ve been following along on the build of what he describes as the only Jeep he’s never had, and decided it was time to start sharing it with all of you. So here are the first two episodes of his cool Willys Wagon build. Be warned, this is not going to be some restoration or something. He doesn’t start with a rig that is even restorable really, but in typical Ian fashion he isn’t going that way even if he could. I dig this thing, and I love that he starts out in the very first episode making changes and getting things going right.
Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that he finishes off the episode with a little splash of famed Tennessee Whiskey either. When in Rome right?
So watch the first two episodes below, where he also pulls our friend Keven Tetz into the fray for some sheetmetal help. These two work well together and because their shops are close I’m sure you’ll see one or the other helping on other projects moving forward too. Watch, enjoy, and let us know what you think of the project.
maybe he could build anything, but he only builds Jeeps.