This is what you’ve truly been waiting for, isn’t it? High-pressure diesels, 2wd pulling trucks, and the multi-engined unlimited classes…these are what make a pulling event what it is, and they put on one hell of a show in Franklin, Kentucky. From the trucks to the tractors, take your pick…if you couldn’t find one piece of rolling stock that hooked to the sled that you liked, then there is nothing for you here, period. Lucas Oil’s PPL League had three tracks set up in one field, and they were running all three all night. Turnarounds were quick and the show was wild. Just take a look at the tractor in the lead photo…that’s three Lycoming T-55 turbines providing the power, and it made the sled seem featherweight! If you have never been to a pulling event in person, go…compared to drag racing, you will find that there is nothing better than the sound of an engine actually having to work for a win. Nothing.
Great pics! Man I wish I could have been there. I agree there is nothing like a pull, nothing!