Fire Man: Here’s How You Keep A Steam Locomotive Hot And Happy!

Fire Man: Here’s How You Keep A Steam Locomotive Hot And Happy!

The image of the steam locomotive in action is a romantic sight, isn’t it? Puffing and chugging along the tracks, the plume of steam puffing along, the hissing and chuffing of the engine as an engineer hangs an arm out of the window. That image is probably the reason why 95% of railroad workers have the jobs that they do. But what all goes into the operation of a steam engine? Well, the coal, fire and water become steam, used to drive the engine along using pressure. That’s easy enough. But when it comes to the actual operation, do you think it’s just some guy hucking coal into a firebox when needed and that’s that? If so, then this video is for you. This is a look at the job of a fireman on a steam engine, and yes, he is the guy who is shoveling coal into the hot box, but he’s doing so much more. These aren’t simple jobs…running a locomotive was prestigious work and it was difficult work as well. You needed body strength and a complete understanding of how things worked, as well as being a lookout for signals, a spotter for an entire side of the locomotive, and more.

It takes a certain kind to ride the rails as a full-time job. It takes something more to keep one of these big mothers happy.

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