Category Archive: Unhinged
Unhinged: A Couple Of Random Finds From The Junkyard Run
Jun 07, 2017Bryan McTaggart4
One thing that I do not appreciate about the state of Kentucky is that every last scrapyard is hell-bent on making sure that you, the customer, are not allowed in the yard. As someone who will...
Unhinged: A GoFundMe Account To Pay Off A Honda Owner’s Speeding Ticket For Dusting A Mustang!
Jun 03, 2017Bryan McTaggart6
I’ll be up-front about it: on the whole, I dislike GoFundMe campaigns. Why? Because for every truly worthy cause (such as the campaign to raise money for Chad and Daphne that was started by a...
Unhinged: As We Send The Rollover Explorer To The Crusher, We Balance The Books! How Did We Do?
May 27, 2017Bryan McTaggart4
Well, as far as I’m concerned, the Rollover Explorer has outlived it’s usefulness and will soon be dragged off of my property, to be ground down into tiny bits, never to hurt another...
Unhinged: Ok, Survivors Of The 1970s, Let’s Have A Talk About Vanning…
May 15, 2017Bryan McTaggart11
At the time of writing this, I’m more or less thirty-four. That means that I was born in 1983, which means that I was lucky enough to miss the custom van craze. By the time I was a kid who was...
Unhinged: A Night At The Dragstrip – Your Average, Everyday Test And Tune
May 03, 2017Bryan McTaggartComments Off on Unhinged: A Night At The Dragstrip – Your Average, Everyday Test And Tune
It takes absolutely zero seconds from the moment someone asks me, “Do you wanna hit the dragstrip later?” to the point where my brain yells out, “Hell yes!” loud enough to be...
Unhinged: Maybe Ending Cars And Coffee Events Could Be A Good Thing?
Apr 25, 2017Bryan McTaggart19
19-year-old Tahj Turnley is going to remember the last Nashville Cars and Coffee for quite some time. That’s because he was filmed leaving the Thoroughbred 20 Theatre area after the show,...
Unhinged: Removing The Heart Of The Beast (And Cleaning Up The Blood)
Apr 09, 2017Bryan McTaggart4
“I’ve only got three bolts holding in a crossmember. We undo those, and wrestle everything out, and we will be done. Should be a piece of cake. You in?” Famous last words. After...
Unhinged: A Good Plan Never Goes Unpunished
Mar 20, 2017Bryan McTaggart5
Saturday morning at BangShift Mid-West was as picturesque as it could’ve gotten: the sun made an appearance for the first time in weeks, with warm, Spring-like temperatures in the air. A light...
Unhinged: Remembering The Cars Of My Father
Mar 14, 2017Bryan McTaggart4
Most people don’t just magically wake up one day and decide that they are into cars as more than just a light hobby, and when it’s rooted in from childhood, the blame usually has to be...
Unhinged: Look, But Do Not Touch!
Mar 12, 2017Bryan McTaggart1
In the upcoming Fast 8 movie, there is a scene where “the family” of gearheads is walked into a garage of dreams by Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham). Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) goes full-on...
Backfire: A Reader Discovers Why His Ford Focus RS Rides Like A Buckboard!
Mar 10, 2017Bryan McTaggart5
One car that we have been not-so-patiently waiting to get our greasy mitts on is the Ford Focus RS. With plenty of power on tap, all-wheel-drive, and the button that made every last Ken...
Unhinged: Believing The Hype After Surviving The 2017 Good Vibrations March Meet
Mar 08, 2017Bryan McTaggart1
As an American gearhead, you’re usually wired to believe that California is Mecca for whatever you wish to do. It’s not far-fetched…in fact, it’s pretty accurate...
Unhinged: Mitsubishi Finally Blew The Welds On The Intake
Feb 15, 2017Bryan McTaggart5
(Eclipse Cross photos: Mitsubishi) To call my relationship with Mitsubishi Motors products a “love-hate affair” would be doing a disservice to the actual status of where I am at with the...
Unhinged: How Oregon’s House Bill 2877 Is A Warning To The Automotive Community
Feb 12, 2017Bryan McTaggart11
You see that 1997 Chevrolet Camaro SS 30th Anniversary Edition there? In junior high, that was the dream car right there, and you could make mine T-topped, powered by the rare-as-hen’s-teeth...