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84 Mustang GT

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  • Worked most of the weekend away putting the car back together, getting the nitrous setup all installed, making brackets for solenoids and wide open throttle switches.

    Get all the way to the end and evidently I did not seat the timing cover correctly it is pouring water out of it with the motor off. Dang it. I wanted to drive it some this week.

    On the plus side I have all of the nitrous stuff installed and it will hopefully work at some point.

    In the interest of time I need to make a switch plate to go in my ashtray but didn't have time for that this weekend, I instead made this for my nitrous activation switch. Then my wife wanted to write some Gone in 60 seconds references.


    • Got my first taste of nitrous oxide this weekend, at Ford vs Buick at Thunder Valley Raceway. I am hooked that is a freaking blast. I had some trouble getting my car put together and to hold all of its fluids before we left so absolutely no testing and haven't made a pass in a year.

      Got to the track on Saturday morning and finished wiring up all of the nitrous system. I had done only the plumbing at home, just ran out of time. So my wiring looks like crap. Made my first pass on motor 13.19 at 104.

      Second pass I opened the bottle switched on the Go switch and it didn't feel like anything, 13.09 but at 111 mph. Went back to the pits talked to some of the guys around. Checked my bottle it was cold to the touch, took it out and put it by my friends exhaust for his generator, rotating occasionally.

      The track took a break for lunch, left it warming up. Got it put back in the car went to make a pass. 12.13 @ 116 mph Wow what a pass! That was a blast, BBR (pringle) came up to me afterwards and said it was pulling a tire on the second gear shift! WooHoo.

      First pass with nitrous ever time slip.

      Here is the video of me in the finals. The Buick I got paired with is a friend of ours and his car was not doing well. This pass was a 12.23 @ 115. I didn't warm the bottle as much and really not sure past there.

      Overall a really fun and great weekend!!!!!
      Last edited by JWS4621; October 17, 2016, 08:38 AM.


      • Time to get a bottle heater! Do those kill your battery when sitting in the pits? Battery charger and a generator, or a long extension cord to plug into someone else's
        1.54, 7.31 @ 94.14, 11.43 @ 118.95

        PB 60' 1.49


        • I was reading about bottle warmers. From what I am seeing they work pretty fast so might be able to just turn it on when running in the staging lanes, to bring the bottle pressure up.

          I have a local friend with a window switch that I am going to go get. He says I need it for running with a 5 speed. He is really really fast on nitrous so I will trust in his judgement.

          I guess if I am going to make a go of it I am going to get a bottle pressure gauge and such and try a nitrous season before the big motor goes in. Turbo stuff is really expensive.


          • [ATTACH=CONFIG]n1127637[/ATTACH] Some cool pics by the track photographer.
            Last edited by JWS4621; October 18, 2016, 09:47 AM.


            • I have the window switch that I need to install. Another friend of mine is trying to make a deal on a programmable 6AL plus. I have been looking into this today.

              Anyone have any opinions on MSD 6 AL programmable. Looks like it would be cool to take timing out when running nitrous and a start retard a 2 step and being able to program a spark curve for it might make it even faster.


              • Over the weekend I started putting my MSD 6 Plus programmable ignition box in the car. I started with locking out the distributor. I did this by taking out the springs on the timing advance and replacing it with solid wire.

                I really like the new ignition box it is completely able to be unplugged and removed. The old one hard wired into everything. I should probably be back up and running sometime later this week.

                Things to do.
                Order or make a nitrous switch box for the ashtray area
                Rewire nitrous system to make look better and more permanent
                Wire in nitrous retard into WOT switch
                Wire in nitrous window switch.


                • Got a new part last night. I don't have to make a switch panel now. It is a really well made product, got to get it put in to see how it fits.

                  I finished up the distributor last night put it back together and it fires up and runs great. I still have to put a tune in the MSD box and set the base timing to 36 degrees.


                  • Got my engine bay spaghetti under control. Got alot of the wiring done in the interior that needed to be cleaned up and weeded out.

                    This is the switch panel in my ash tray I think it looks pretty freaking awesome


                    • That is a perfect spot for it!
                      Escaped on a technicality.


                      • Muchos groovy! (Oops - didn't mean to startle you with my Spanish acumen).



                        • More parts came in today. Bottle heater, pressure gauge, purge, and blowdown tube. Hopefully I can get this all wired in this weekend, and start driving it again.

                          Going to be fast now, haha I wish some of these parts made it faster, just support parts.


                          • Went to our annual event Buick VS Ford. Put the 150 pills in the plate.

                            The event was not without problems. I got one of my best NA passes at 12.66 at 108 mph. Then turned on the Nitrous and busted off a 11.95 at 119 mph. I was having an issue of it laying over when I hit the nitrous and then taking off. I think we figured it out after the event. I should have purged more. Lessons learned.

                            Here are a few pics from the event. burnout
                            Attached Files


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                              • Went to our annual event at Thunder Valley Raceway in Nobel Oklahoma. Reset my records again, and the car still runs

                                We left on friday about noon to try to get there kinda early, the truck decided to have other plans. One of the belt tensioners locked up and killed the belt. We were about an hour outside of amarillo and had to wait for one of our friends that were behind us to grab the parts and bring them to us.

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                                After parts were there it was a 10 minute fix, bad part about it we were sitting in front of a closed parts store. The owners were at a wedding in Marfa (about 8 hours south).

                                Got to the track and started making passes. Now that I have more power I started to have to set the chassis up more. Changed tire pressures and air bag pressures and such. I am now running a 150 shot.
                                Got a chance to get lined up against BBR's Nitrous 302. My heads cam and intake made more power.

                                This is the fastest pass of the day. We felt like got it sorted and went to the 200 shot later and the car spun all over the track. Quite a scary ride

                                My wife did a great job of shooting the event. Here are some pics of the car
                                Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	1 Size:	109.3 KB ID:	1219234

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	2 Size:	195.4 KB ID:	1219237
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                                Last edited by JWS4621; October 25, 2018, 08:54 AM.

