Worked most of the weekend away putting the car back together, getting the nitrous setup all installed, making brackets for solenoids and wide open throttle switches.
Get all the way to the end and evidently I did not seat the timing cover correctly it is pouring water out of it with the motor off. Dang it. I wanted to drive it some this week.
On the plus side I have all of the nitrous stuff installed and it will hopefully work at some point.
In the interest of time I need to make a switch plate to go in my ashtray but didn't have time for that this weekend, I instead made this for my nitrous activation switch. Then my wife wanted to write some Gone in 60 seconds references.
Get all the way to the end and evidently I did not seat the timing cover correctly it is pouring water out of it with the motor off. Dang it. I wanted to drive it some this week.
On the plus side I have all of the nitrous stuff installed and it will hopefully work at some point.
In the interest of time I need to make a switch plate to go in my ashtray but didn't have time for that this weekend, I instead made this for my nitrous activation switch. Then my wife wanted to write some Gone in 60 seconds references.
