
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Question Of The Day: What Can We Do To Help Grow The SEMA Action Network?

BangShift Question Of The Day: What Can We Do To Help Grow The SEMA Action Network?

Earlier this morning we ran a video about the SEMA Action Network, which is the group at SEMA who’s whole purpose is to help us make sure our state and federal legislative bodies don’t screw us out of our hot rodding rights. Okay, maybe that’s a little strong, because some legislators are actually sympathetic to our plight, but the truth is the SEMA Action Network makes sure that, friend or foe, we know what is going on in government that may effect our ability to keep enjoying our rides.

As described in this morning’s video, which you can watch by clicking the link below, the SEMA Action Network is the arm of SEMA that keeps us informed, and empowered, by letting us know when legislation that we need to support or oppose is being considered by government. It consists of an email twice per month, or when something is specifically impacting your state of residence, which means that you won’t be hammered on with SEMA Action Network emails for no reason. They won’t share your information, won’t sell their member list, and only want to help you keep enjoying your ride.

We’ve thought of some different ways to help SAN grow their membership, including everything from ads on BangShift.com, to a membership drive with all of our BangShift.com sponsors, to a video call out to all of you enthusiasts out there. But what we want to know now is what YOU think is a good way to grow SEMA Action Network participation?

So step up, give us some ideas. If we decide to use one of yours to help out our friends at SAN, we’ll give you full credit and a hearty thank you. Hell, we might even throw in a shirt if you can help us get some good results.

It’s important to support this cause folks, please don’t ignore it. Visit SEMASAN.com to see all the cool resources on their site, and to sign up.

Here’s the official word from the SEMA Action Network on what they are all about.

The SEMA Action Network (SAN) is a nationwide partnership between vehicle clubs, enthusiasts and members of the specialty auto parts industry who want to protect their hobby. Founded in 1997, the SAN was designed to help stamp out legislative threats to the automotive hobby and pass favorable laws. The SAN regularly:

  • Rallies the support of 3,000-plus car clubs, thousands of individual contacts, and 100-plus publications, with an estimated reach of 36 million enthusiasts nationwide, amplifying SEMA’s political voice on issues affecting the specialty equipment auto parts industry.
  • Sends out action alerts to generate an abundance of responses to state and/or federal legislative actions and regulatory proposals.
  • Issues timely updates of legislative and regulatory developments.

THERE ARE NO COSTS, FEES OR HASSLES to participate in the SAN. The concept is simple:  SEMA provides detailed, regularly updated information on legislative and regulatory issues that impact your hobby. The more hands that touch this information, the more eyes that read this information and the more people that stand up and do something about this information…the more effectively we protect our hobby. If action is required, we will urge SAN members to contact legislators and regulators to express support or opposition to a particular bill or proposal that directly affects the automotive hobby.

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), is a non-profit trade association composed of more than 6,800 member companies including manufacturers and distributors, representing the specialty equipment automotive industry. All combined, the markets add up to over $34 billion in retail business annually. On behalf of our industry, we are fighting to preserve the rights of enthusiasts to use and enjoy their vehicles.

United groups of automotive hobbyists are a proven political force. To date, SAN efforts nationwide have resulted in positive outcomes on a wide range of issues, including vehicle scrappage (“clunker”) laws, equipment standards, registration classifications, emissions-test exemptions, and hobbyist rights. You can be certain that these issues will continue to pop up at the state and federal level in the future. You can make a difference by joining SAN now!

The information SAN provides you:

  • Timely notice of legislative/regulatory developments in your state and nationwide trends.
  • Sample letters to forward to state legislators urging specific action.
  • Talking points for conversations and meetings with state legislators.

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3 thoughts on “BangShift Question Of The Day: What Can We Do To Help Grow The SEMA Action Network?

  1. The Outsider

    1. Use the main page blog to emphasize what’s in the bi-monthly e-mails to keep the SAN issues before the readers (also gives a basis for frequent membership sign-ups . . . include hyperlinks to SAN signup/Action items in each story)

    2. A special edition Bangshift/SAN contingency-sized decal that BSers can run on their race cars. (Don’t know if SAN would approve this or it it’s cost-effective to offer . . . but it would be bitchin)

    3. Either a SAN “sticky” or a SAN Action subdivision of the forum to encourage discussions on encroachments to our automotive freedoms.

    4. Figure out a way that BSers who are SAN members can easily add a SAN “badge” to their forum presence (similar to how social.ford.com uses badges to promote various Ford interests in social media . . . but without making the BS members give up their current post icons)

    5. Banner/sidebar PSA ads that update BSers to changes at the SAN website would also keep the membership/action issues on the front burner.

  2. GuitarSlinger

    As commendable an effort as this is … as much as it pains me to say this … in all honesty what ever BS and SEMA try and do to ‘ save ‘ the automotive hobby is an exercise in futility and a lost cause

    Simply stated .. the Green Weenies are winning …. the Smoke & Mirrors has blinded the general public … and in another ten years we’ll be looked down upon as a social pariah as much as tobacco smokers are today

    What a country we’re living in . Where smoking a cigar and driving a Hot Rod’ll be illegal ….. but it’ll just fine to go off and get stoned off your _____ in public

  3. Scott Liggett

    You have kept any kind of politics off this site. I do believe your readers could help if they were informed better.

    Getting people over apathy, that’s a tougher job.

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