The answer for me is hells to the no baby. I will drive anything. But I’ve never been a real bike guy, so maybe that is part of it, but the other thing is I don’t want 1500hp between my legs on a machine that only uses the front wheel to hold itself up when stopped. Not going to happen. But lots of guys dream of riding one. Or other crazy stuff for that matter. As we saw when Chris Matheson exited his ANDRA Top Bike at somewhere well over 200 mph, there is nothing around to protect you except leather and a helmet. No gracias senior. I want some roll cage, or a roof or door or something. If you think I’m nuts and say you would totally jump on one of these, I’ll support you, but don’t ask me to do much more than a burnout.
So, Would You Ride A Top Fuel Harley?
Remember Elmer Trett?
I dont have kahoonas as big as watermellons so it’s a definate NO from me
Yep, not very fast…. But Yep
on my bucket list either top fuel Harley or top fuel metric.
i’d ride one with a little bit of training, shifting and allowing the bike to walk take some practice.
YES. YES I WOULD. I’ve always wanted a fuel Harley, I would jump at the chance to ride one, all the way from a nostalgia ironhead through a pro drag, pro fuel or top fuel. I’d love to learn how to tune one, too.
Not only would i but i do….ive been riding nitro harleys since i was 17yrs old and just turned 39.
id do it
no way!!! I get hurt bad enough riding my Honda 50
I’d be happy to hop on it, on its trailer, and be towed around.
Like they say, “A man has got to know his limitations.”
Yep. Currently building one to go 5’s
Seen lots of ’em run, LOVE the sound. You guys that do it have my respect. I want to know how the hand-shift guys hang on.
No bueno for me!
Give me 40 years youth and I would be on one every chance I got…
Any day ending in Y.
YES, I definitely would ride a Top Fuel Harley! might say it runs in the family to ride a harley anyway!
HELL YEAH I WOULD DO IT AGAIN…….rode them in the mid eighties for people then wrecked hard in 1986 at union grove WI. the crank came out about 150 before the finish line….11 months in hospital, 52 broken bones, 4 months in coma, going off a bike at 202 mph and living……priceless.