
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift/Comp Cams Question Of The Day: Is Your Hot Rod Ready For The Cold Weather?

BangShift/Comp Cams Question Of The Day: Is Your Hot Rod Ready For The Cold Weather?

When we saw this question on Comp Cam’s Facebook page this morning we laughed. I mean out loud, because of the photos attached to it. They have some of the best photos and one liners on there every single day. We don’t know who their Facebook guy is over there, but we want to buy him a beer for sure. Check out the photo below, and answer our BangShift.com/Comp Cams Question Of The Day.

We don’t care if you answer has to do with your hot rod sitting through a sub freezing temps winter in the garage, outside, or whatever. Or if it has to do with making arrangements so you can keep driving it all winter. Are you and your hot rod ready?

BangShift Question of the Day: Is Your Hot Rod Ready For The Cold Weather?

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7 thoughts on “BangShift/Comp Cams Question Of The Day: Is Your Hot Rod Ready For The Cold Weather?

  1. Beagle

    errr… did the Road Runner guy from earlier get bored? Hee hee. Slow nuse day. haha. Just messin with ya, happy holidays!

  2. Arild Guldbrandsen

    Is there any diffrence on the car,between summer and winter?.I drove yesterday,and even laid some loong black stripes..

  3. TheSilverBuick

    Getting one good and long road trip in before the year is out. Despite the tragic near freezing temperatures in southern California my car is finding it quite comfortable.

    1. Doc

      “tragic near freezing temperatures in southern California”
      You know a lot of people are cursing you right now, right?
      We’re awaiting over a foot of snow for the end of world day tommorow.

  4. John Brewer

    Yep, fired it off on the jack stands last Sat. All is good. Just need to circulate the oil, etc. Wife was jazzed since when she came in the shop on Monday, the smell of freshly burned alcohol was still in the shop for her to enjoy!!!

  5. NitroNut

    The difference between summer and winter in California is; during the summer you wear, flip-flops, shorts and a short-sleve T-shirt. During the winter you wear, flip-flops, shorts and a long-sleve T-shirt. I think I’ll take the top off my car and go for a drive.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  6. John T

    Cold? whats that? Yesterday we had around 42 degrees C – thats 107.6 F….at midnight it was still around 30 (86 deg F). We’re just starting summer in Australia, it’ll be hot here until March at least.

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