
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption This: The Maserati Quattroporte “Jackson Pollock” Edition

Caption This: The Maserati Quattroporte “Jackson Pollock” Edition

Accidents can happen at anywhere and anytime…that is why securing cargo inside of a vehicle is so important. While most people think of cargo in a truck bed (something our own Charles Wickam has had experience with lately), inside of the car is just as important. You never know what may happen: for example, take this unknown year Maserati Quattroporte from South Australia got the splatter paint treatment when the driver swerved to miss a dog in the road, which in some manner launched the can of white paint off of the back seat and popped off the lid. The beautiful Italian interior got a very liberal whitewashing before it was all said and done, and the insurance company ended up writing the Maser off as a loss, settling with the owner for $90,000

I literally have no printable one-liners for this accident, so I task you, the readers, to come up with your best caption for the photo. Think about what the Maserati’s owner had to tell the insurance agent over the phone as he stood on the side of an Australian road, dripping in white paint. I’m sure the words, “You won’t believe this, mate, but…” were involved.

Maser whitewash

(Courtesy: Carscoops)

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8 thoughts on “Caption This: The Maserati Quattroporte “Jackson Pollock” Edition

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Ten years in solitary and a over enthusiastic hooker just after being released….

    And it’s the wife’s car!

  2. Matt Cramer

    “I can’t believe this guy drives a Maserati and stiffed me on the wedding cake! Where’d I put that 55 gallon drum of icing?”

  3. Nigel Mansell's Ferret

    Eh Maria good news, I got the car to match the gravel, statues and the house.

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