Here’s a put-up-or-shut-up kind of deal we never, ever thought we’d see: the driver’s seat to a legit Aussie burnout car up for auction, the highest bidder getting a crack at turning the monster loose on the skidpan at the West Coast Nats in Australia. The machine in question, “JOBZ ON”, a supercharged, LS2-powered Chevy pickup, is normally ran by Nick Smith, but every now and then he puts the driver’s seat up for auction. Part of the proceeds cover the costs of the run, but the majority of the proceeds go to a charity of some kind, whether it be recovery costs for an accident victim, helping someone with cerebral palsy, or other issues. We can dig the approach, but it’s the rough equivalent of picking a lucky contestant out of the stands to take an eight-second ride on Bodacious the bucking bull in his prime.
We don’t blame you if your immediate response to whether you would cough up for the shot at the wheel is an immediate “Hell yes!” Watching a burnout contest is one thing, but getting the chance to cut a car loose? We’d be all over that. But this isn’t your car…this is someone else’s machine, in a pit surrounded by concrete, performing a sport where dead engines, wrinkled bodywork, and the occasional fire tend to occur. While we’re sure Smith knows the risks and is fine with it, would you be cool knowing what could happen?
I think burnout competitions are the most stupid waste of time and rubber known to man. I think the people that just sit there for the sole purpose of making smoke and ruining rubber are idiots. (Geez, I’m sounding like Chevy Hatin’ Mad Geordi, but not nearly as eloquent!)
Kinda like watching a dog chase it’s tail, except the dog is more environmentally friendly and more entertaining.
I know it’s heresy, but I have to agree with the others: Burnouts have never done much for me…
yeh but remember burnouts in America are done chained to a steel plate with concrete barriers all around the car and 5 occ health and safety consultants on board. In Australia we have this thing called ` fun’. You should try it sometime….