The Top Gear studio is being dismantled and boxed up, Clarkson’s certainly gone, and it appears that Hammond and May are going with him. It’s a sad and quite frankly sorry end to one of, if not the most beloved automotive television programs of all time. But if you thought the BBC was ready to let go of the financial cash cow that the Top Gear brand has become, you were sorely mistaken, and honestly, as much as it makes me cringe to admit it, the BBC’s decision to move on to a 2016 season is a good one. No, I wasn’t just hit in the head.
Behind the three names you know are at least hundreds of people who have come to rely on Top Gear as their livelihood. Between the filming, editing, writing, and the mechanics that can keep rolling travesties alive long enough to finish a road trip, there’s an army that has supported the cause. Believe me when I say that any and everything TG related has been absolutely and utterly bombarded with angry fan responses to the BBC with plenty of blame being spread around and open threats of television service cancellations, magazine subscription non-renewals, and people asking for refunds for the Top Gear live show. That cash cow is currently hemorrhaging money down the drain, so if the BBC can find three people to take their place, there’s a chance that if not all, that some or even most of those jobs can be salvaged. It’s certainly in their best interest.
But who do you pull to replace them? The media has been speculating ever since the first story was posted. Some names, such as model and auto enthusiast Jodie Kidd, Fifth Gear presenter Vickie Butler-Henderson, comedian Steve Coogan, and former Top Gear presenter Tiff Needell could all be in the running. Chris Evans, a BBC Radio 4 personality, recently came out and all but told the BBC to shove it when asked if he’d take over. And there’s plenty of recommendations from morons people who want to see Top Gear become a “eco-feminist” car show.
So, for the sake of the people behind the scenes (who, if for some reason they are reading this, we sincerely wish the best for you), we ask you, the BangShifters, to volunteer up some names for who could possibly take the place of the most well-known Brits outside of the Beatles and Stones. They have to know what the hell they are talking about with a car and must be able to drive it without killing themselves. They have to be able to present on television, edgy humor is a plus, and must be willing to travel the world while driving everything from high-end super cars to some of the most vile shitboxes ever found for sale. And they must be willing to work with a shy mute who refuses to communicate. Got anybody in mind? (Besides these two guys?)
Brian Johnson
James Martin
Ross Noble
lets face it, it wont happen – not successfully at least. I mean, look at TG Australia, TG USA, TG Korea, Russia and all the other spinoffs – they’re all crappy by comparison – and that’s with Clarkson, May and Hammond actively trying to help them along. What hope do 3 newies have when you combine that `not Clarkson/May/Hammond thing with the open hatred that will exist for whoever tries to step into those shoes? You would have to be nuts to even try…
NONE… That show is totally off the air and everyone is out of a job by 2017.
Agreed that no one can or will be able to replace the Three Trollateers .. But I disagree entirely that the show will be gone . Oh\’ll suck … the numbers will drop … and most of us wont be watching it … but it\’ll still exist .. in some parody like form or another …
and then ..
.. suddenly … magically … and mysteriously …
The Top Gear Reunion Gala ! With all three on board … to be followed up by a new series with them … once the replacements have failed miserably … and the BC throws up the white flag in surrender
None. The show WAS Jeremy Clarkson. The Top Gear we knew is dead and gone. Killed buy some pansy assed suit that can’t understand human nature and deal with it.
Clarkson will probably be back with another venue.
These three names came to me while I was at work:
Richard Petty, Don Garlits, and Mario Andretti, three proven people that would be well suited for a Top Gear series (if they want to).
Ahhhh …. theres a huge gap between Race Driver and TV personality . Ever seen Garlits , Andretti or Petty in front of a camera for more than a quick interview ?
Dull , vapid and disengaged doesn\’t even come close
Which is to say … WE don\’t want them to !!!!!!!!
as always Colorado- douchebag
no one cares about your opinion!!! keep your bullshit comments
to yourself **
Why don’t you submit a video of yourself to the BBC? You seem to claim all of this automotive knowledge, so put up or shut up WE are all fed up with you and your bullshit opinionated views.
A M E N….TO THAT !!!!!!!
as president of the
Colorado douchebag
haters club ;
I now deem you
vice president !!!!!!!!
Tonight on Top Gear – we review Kombi’s and Mercedes SUV’s and…. that’s about it.
Top Gear may labor on for one more season (if that long), but it will take some kind of minor miracle to spark any interest beyond that. Whoever tries to step into their shoes is permanently damaging their careers, because there is going to be a huge backlash no matter who it is.
A clean slate, start from new, gearhead oriented entertainment show, on the other hand… Why not you guys? I’ve been waiting for more Bangshift video productions for awhile as it is.
Step up and take a swing guys.
If they do start over with three newbees, they are pissing into the wind. Chemistry is almost impossible to create and they had it and threw it away, end of story.
David Freiburger, Mike Finnegan and Fred Williamson
Carl Fogarty, Steve Parrish and me. Former Superbike/BOTT racer, drag racer, motorsports announcer and all around funny guy. Plus my Mom was born in Bath England, I’ve driven right hand drive (landed my rental car in the kitty litter at Creg Ny Baa on the Isle of Man) and I’ve done a track day with open wheel cars and MG saloons at Brands Hatch. Cracking resume if I do say so myself……
Any help here will be greatly appreciated Bangshifters……. 🙂
TopGear without Clarkson, Hammond and May is NOT TopGear. It will go on, but it will not be the show we all came to know and love.
R.I.P. Top Gear…..we will always have Viet Nam
Its over, its over, live with it.
Chris Harris, who else?
Mario, Boris Said, Tony Stewart.
Robby Gordon as the Stig!
From an English point of view having watched TG from day 1 and having seen the USA version (sorry guys it sucks by comparison),there really is no trio of presenters ( race drivers or personalities) that will be ever be close to matching the interaction that Clarkson, May and Hammond have. The show will flop and be a disaster career wise for whoever steps up.
Clarkson was reportedly on over 2 million a year so it OBVIOS
They are irreplaceable. Been on the show when Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz appeared. It would have been even better if the comments were not deleted (Cameron Diaz hugging Jeremy…Jeremy turns to the audience and says I am now nursing a semi….priceless). If they sign for Sky TV and make the new show “Top Speed” I will be watching
Although they cannot be replaced this is my ideal new line up for replacements:
Rowan Atkinson (mega car guy and funny)
Simon Pegg (Funny and sometimes clueless)
Jenson Button (Professional driver and decent in front of the camera)
Sorry Brian and Chad. You are going to have to try out for the US TG. Like Roger Moore said you’re not English enough.
If the replacements have to be British, that’s probably the best suggestion yet.
Bring all 3 to the US and replace the guys on the US Top Gear..the US show SUX
Tony Defeo…Cole Coonce…and Bret Kepner.
A combination of rage, talent and insanity guaranteed to make the cameraman install lexan lens covers…and NOBODY would see it coming…
…and by the way…THOSE two guys weren’t smart enough to tape cardboard in some empty station wagon windows when they were freezing to death in their last episode…
With the chemistry those 3 had the show will be impossible to recreate it with anyone else, personally i think the BBC went a bit to far with firing Clarkson, give him a big fine, make him do anger management classes and move forward, heck even the guy that was hit didn’t want him gone.
Jay Leno
Tim Allen
Jerry Seinfeld
guys… everyone’s suggesting Americans – no offence but this is UK Top Gear….would not work.
curly Larry and Moe. gonna miss the show miss the guys but they’ll be a new show somewhere on the Ethernet watch for details.
John Cleese, Eric Idol and any other Monty Python cast member as the third member, that would keep me interested in watching after the sad exit of our three original cast members.