“Fun, Fun, Fun” is one of those songs that everyone knows, but who’s title is usually recited wrong. I think most people refer to it at “‘Til Daddy Took The T-Bird Away” or some variation like that. Which is all good since it does go right along with Fun, Fun, Fun in the chorus. This song was a hit single on The Beach Boys ‘Shutdown Volume 2″ album which featured other great songs like “This Car of Mine”, “Don’t Worry Baby”, “The Warmth of the Sun”, “Why Do Fools Fall In Love”, and “Louie, Louie”. It’s a great album, that we’ve spent jillions of hours listening to.
We’ll throw “This Car of Mine” up later this week, but until then enjoy the story of the hot girl driving dad’s hot T-Bird. Let the fun begin.
Click play to watch and listen.
Beach Boys…Always a great choice!
It consists of 32 teams with two conferences AFC and NFC.