
the car junkie daily magazine.


Bangshift Daily Tune Up: “Shirley” by L7. The Punk Rock Tribute To Shirley Muldowney

Bangshift Daily Tune Up: “Shirley” by L7. The Punk Rock Tribute To Shirley Muldowney

Whenever resident underground music afficionado Anthony Castillo sends Brian and I an email with a list of prospective Daily Tune Ups, I’m always intrigued. This week he sent us a few different songs with titles ranging from Roadrunner to Flamin Eddie’s Dragstrip. We’ll get to those as well, but the one that grabbed us for today was “Shirley” by L7. It’s song, sang by an all girl L.A. Punk Rock band, that is dedicated to Shirley Muldowner herself. The bonus is that the video below features nothing but cool old vintage Shirley Muldowney footage.

Click play to watch.

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1 thoughts on “Bangshift Daily Tune Up: “Shirley” by L7. The Punk Rock Tribute To Shirley Muldowney

  1. cyclone03

    The Vega FC at the begening looks like the San Antonio based CSK car. It has been restored and is a cackler now.
    It lives here in San Antonio still.

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