
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Tune-Up: “Hard And Loud” by Royal Bliss (2018)

BangShift Tune-Up: “Hard And Loud” by Royal Bliss (2018)

Here’s a dirty little secret about a lot of the gearhead community: we ain’t the country club types. Pressed suits, manicured fingernails free of grease and grime, a shining personality? If you’ve found one of those types, either you need to go buy a scratch-off ticket or you’ve found a head case. I’m not saying that the upper crust can’t get down and have some fun…remember the “Tax The Rich” videos that showed some mystery supercar owner in the U.K. beating the snot out of cars we couldn’t afford to stand next to if we wanted to?…but more often than not there’s denim, there’s dirt, there’s good food and good drink that your doctor does not recommend often. You’ve busted ass all week to get to the weekend, and now it’s time to let that go and have a bit of fun. Bonfires, burnouts, and all.

Growing up, there was a stark difference between my grandfather, a clean-cut retired Air Force officer, and my stepfather, a machinist who had a heavy party streak about him. My grandfather taught me how to be a gentleman, how to make an impression, and how to treat other people. My stepfather taught me how to have a good time with lots of friends and little money, how sometimes you need to come fully off the rails to get back on them, and how sometimes, you just need to communicate with an upturned middle finger to those who deserve it. And that’s the overall feeling that “Hard and Loud” gives off. This is the song in the background playing just before an engine revs up and a car starts tearing the hell out of an empty pasture.

When you start out a music video with a Nova burning off the hides, you have our attention at least until the music really gets going. After that, it is up to the band to keep the momentum going!

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2 thoughts on “BangShift Tune-Up: “Hard And Loud” by Royal Bliss (2018)

  1. 88ProStreetS10

    Will be adding this one to the playlist I listen to in my shop –

    \m/ (◣_◢) \m/

    Cars, trucks, Hotrods are my therapy.

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