
the car junkie daily magazine.


AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Who Won Ridetech’s ’33 Ford Gets Air Caption Contest? I KNOW I KNOW!

AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!  Who Won Ridetech’s ’33 Ford Gets Air Caption Contest? I KNOW I KNOW!

We have a WINNER!!! Fastbak390 made up the winning caption, and will take home a pair of Ridetech Smooth Body shocks, plus 6 Ridetech shirts to share with his buddies. There were tons of great entries, and people are still sending them in just to be funny, even though the competition is over. Do you like being able to win stuff by interacting with us? Well, then let us know. We have some other cool opportunities where you might be able to win stuff as well. We’ll keep you posted.

OH… You want to know the winning caption? Then here you go.

“When I told you to lift on the back straight, that wasn’t what I had in mind.”

Original Blog Item:

After finishing 2nd overall in the 2013 American Street Car Series “Run To The Coast” event, Bret Voelkel from Ridetech was checking out some photos of his car. It was then that he saw this interesting one. Apparently at somewhere north of 125 miles an hour, the “bump” on the back stretch of the road course becomes more of a jump when your hot rod has 600 plus horsepower and only weighs 2500 pounds. And while the front tires are on the ground in this photo, we’re sure they weren’t just a nanosecond before hand. Look at how high off the ground the grill shell is. Normally that bad boy tries to touch in driveways.

So, congrats to Bret, but lets have some fun here. Caption this photo. Who knows, if someone comes up with something creative enough we just might be able to get Bret to send you a Ridetech T-Shirt.


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140 thoughts on “AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Who Won Ridetech’s ’33 Ford Gets Air Caption Contest? I KNOW I KNOW!

  1. Chassisman

    New for the year 2025….The Ridetech/Hovertech G2000 reverse gravity generator….. This system provides the smoothest ride…on the this planet or Mars….. Luke Skywalker states…”This system could do the Caldera run in 3 parcepts…..and dust any Tie fighter out there”

    1. Brian

      Ridetech seeks to broaden the scope of it applications by appealing to those hitting the road course, smoothly cruising the highways, or even competing with Southern California’s most robust hydraulic equipped Impalas in hopping contests.


    Now watch how gently the new Grav-Tech anti-gravity coilover smooths even the most violent of road irregularities. So revolutionary that SCORE has already banned them!

  3. Oldspowered

    “Sure the helium was cheaper to buy than nitrogen, but it’s playing hell with the weight distribution”.

  4. Scott Siegmund

    Just another day in the office for Ride Tech’s chief product tester extraordinaire Air Bret!
    He abuses them so we can use them.

  5. Nick Carnes

    Ride tech proving how soft and smooth the ride is on their cruise setting. You can’t feel what you dont touch!

  6. robert

    1. Lift kit ? I don’t need no stinkin lift kit
    2. GOT LIFT ?
    3. this is how you put the donk in the badonkadonl

  7. Ron Ward

    “Approaching the finish line on what would have possibly been the best lap of the day, Chad Reynolds, at the wheel of Ridetech’s bitchin ’33 coupe suddenly realized why it was a bad idea to have Taco Bell for lunch.”

  8. Shannon

    1. One small “jump” for Ridetech, One giant leap for mankind!
    2, Houston we have a problem!
    3. The Voelkel has landed!

  9. Schtauffer

    No matter how determined it became, a car built by a bunch of honkys just never could quite get down and dance like a lowrider with hydraulics.

  10. James

    Proving Nitrogen isn’t really needed for autocross the pit crew thought it would be funny to put Helium in the rear tires.

  11. thatposts2much

    DId you hear the Ridetech car was bouncing all over the course?

    I wouldn’t say I’m Shocked. . .


  12. redo

    DId you hear the Ridetech car was bouncing all over the course?

    I wouldn’t say I’m (puts sunglasses on) Shocked. . .


  13. Glenn Kizer

    I told you we should have run the exhaust out the sides but nooooo….you wanted to run the turndowns.

  14. Chip

    I got your Air Ride-Right Here!

    Midwesterners should NOT eat off the Taco Truck outside the base gate!

    Tell Pastrana I got his stoppies covered- Working on the backflip!

  15. Tom

    1. I thought they closed El Toro MCAS.
    2.DEJA VU — I seem to recall this situation being in a F-18 herer at El Toro!

  16. Fastbak390

    1. When I told you to lift on the back straight, that wasn’t what I had in mind.

    2. Although Colin Chapman had success with the “add lightness” philosophy in his sports cars, taking it to the extreme can have dire consequences.

    3. Installed traction bars, but still have wheel hop. Any ideas?

  17. NickL

    The new hi-flyin’ air chassis for 2014: Ridetechs Ultimate Zero-G Stinkbug Suspension….Nose a Draggin, Tail a Waggin!

  18. Josh Chilson

    Catching some air on the course and a looking for a clean pair of shorts in the pits!

  19. chris cabe

    After these spy photos of the new top secret Prototype Black Hawk, there is no way the government can deny we have had alien contact….

  20. TheSilverBuick

    Our RideTech suspension is six inches above the rest.

    RideTech suspension you can feel and SEE.

    Air brakes that really work.

  21. charlie russell

    This rear end lift, at speed, is gonna be a problem when we go to Bonneville…

  22. bret voelkel

    Being in the car at that particular moment, I had a couple captions of my own:

    * Shit…I just lost the driveshaft!
    * Most definetly need a bigger rear spoiler!
    * This picture will NOT make Sharon feel better about my racing!

    …and Sharon’s comment: …Oh, yeah…I’ll ride with you now…NOT!

    …and Andy’s comment…COOL DAD!…wait till I show the guys!

    Good stuff…thanks you guys for all the comments!

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