
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption This: “So Close, Yet So Far. Would You Like To Try Again?”

Caption This: “So Close, Yet So Far. Would You Like To Try Again?”

I don’t understand why darts is a pub game. Who in their right mind thought that taking tungsten-alloy tipped missiles that have excellent body-piercing properties and handing them to someone a few pints into the evening, and telling them to throw them at a marked-up circle on the wall was a good idea? The game is hard enough sober, let alone drunk, and if you have some idiot walk through between release and impact…well, it is a good thing that the ambulances travel fast.

But one good thing about darts is the size of target to size of implement ratio. Small dart, reasonably large board. Which is why we are confused as to why this individual attempted to hit this particular Target with a Mazda. Sure, compared to the standard dartboard, the target is huge. But the Mazda is much, much bigger. That isn’t even fair…and they still didn’t hit the board!

(Photo: Christopher McTaggart via Facebook)

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5 thoughts on “Caption This: “So Close, Yet So Far. Would You Like To Try Again?”

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    I’ll tell you what – I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of a guy who vented his drunken rage throwing cars around even if he’s a lousy shot!

  2. Chris "TheCapeCodKid" Summers

    2 clicks of elevation and 2 clicks of right windage…Then BULLSEYE…LOL

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