You can hate late-model stuff all you want. You can bemoan the computers, claim that the soul is gone, go on about the political issues behind the company to your heart’s content. But if you race, if you live for the track, the rubber on asphalt, the noise…then you understand that fast is simply fast and should be respected as such. And the late-model stuff can pull off fast like nobody has seen before, and in different forms as well as the classical tests. A 2015 Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 can handle itself on a road course, run a top-speed challenge, park in front of any social hotspot, and now, with this pass at Atco Raceway, the Corvette ZO6 is a ten-second car off of the showroom floor. This white, automatic-equipped Corvette may have had good air and good traction on its side, but the part that is still awesome to me is that you can go into a dealership, plonk down money, and go tens out of the box. Is it fast? Hell yes it is.
We are in the next Golden Age of power and performance, right now, and it does not look like it will peak any time soon.
We’re sure not in 1982 anymore Toto…..
It’s almost not fair. It took me three engines, thousands of dollars and years to get my Firebird into the 10s. It pumps me up though because I know some rich guy will wreck one in short order and the parts can land into one of my jalopies.
I guess what happened at the end of the Muscle Car Era is probably happening with these types of cars . . . the insurance companies just keep adding zeros to the premiums they charge.
When I think about it, it’s kind of scary – that anyone with money can just walk in and buy one of these 10+ second cars. No skill needed – just bags of money.