Monday morning comes too soon. Friday afternoon is short but sweet, Saturday and Sunday are yours to usually catch up on what you need to, and as soon as the alarm clock starts barking at you, bright and early, all you can think of is how you will motivate yourself out of bed. (And if you don’t do the traditional Monday-Friday deal, just apply it to your own situation…you know it works out the same in the end!) A gentle, “come on, get up and face the day” kind of deal isn’t going to cut it. You need proper motivation, the kind that comes with rock music, a yelling sergeant, or the appeal of making ludicrous amounts of money. You need something to get that heart rate moving!
We here at BangShift can help with that. Blower Screamâ„¢ is exactly what you need to get you out of bed and into the work week head-first. With Blower Scream, all you need is the sound of an engine under load being force-fed more air than it was ever meant to have naturally and that oh-so-lovely supercharger shriek from the upper RPM range and you’ll be on your feet, looking for the four-wheeled monstrosity that just laid a patch of rubber from here to Timbuktu. Side effects? None that we can print out here, but we highly doubt that you’ll mind anyways. If this doesn’t get you up and moving, call the doctor…you must be dead.