
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Ford P.O.S. Is For Sale! The 1987 LTD Crown Victoria From “Men In Black” Could Be Yours!

The Ford P.O.S. Is For Sale! The 1987 LTD Crown Victoria From “Men In Black” Could Be Yours!

One of the strangest vehicle obsessions that I see involves the Ford LTD from the original Men In Black. A cheeze-ball movie about aliens and every gearhead in the world zeroed in on the 1987 Ford LTD Crown Victoria that Agent J and Agent K tool around in. Even in 1997, the all-black LTD Crown Vic looked particularly menacing. Clean, simple, square to a fault, and yet, it worked. It fit Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent K perfectly…no extravagant outside, just plain and purposeful. And, oh yeah, there was that little red button that made magic happen. No, not nitrous…well…close enough. If you haven’t seen the movie, go hunt YouTube, the clip is there.

So what would you do if I could tell you that the actual Ford from the movie is up for sale? Yep, the same black LTD is not only up for grabs, it’s on Craigslist of all places, and not only does it come with the Certificate of Authenticity stating that the car was used in the film, but you get a copy of the California title from when Columbia Pictures owned the car and a whole trunk full of schwag from the heyday of the movie, including MiB sunglasses, a “Noisy Cricket” gun prop, and other assorted memoribilia that you can either display at shows or box up as keepsakes for when you’re ready to sell. 

So, what would you do with an all-black, 351-powered Ford that is rocking the FBI look? We’d start by getting the horsepower number well above that sorry-assed 180 or so figure and go from there ourselves!

Craigslist Link: 1987 Ford LTD Crown Victoria S

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