Every race or show I attend there is someone I overhear or talk to that is admiring an original car that was a barn find or something like it. And each time I hear them say that there aren’t anymore of those around , but the truth is that they just keep showing up. I realize they are getting fewer and fewer, there is no doubt, but I still hear about them on a pretty regular basis. And here is another one.
This is just one of the cars that Matt and Steve helped remove from their tombs when they attended an estate sale recently. Check it out.
Video Description:
We recently took a private tour of an upcoming estate sale in Port Royal, PA. The auction has since passed but Matt and Steve were able to document the extraction of a few of the cars. This 1940 Ford was parked in 1964 due to an engine issue. The car appeared super solid when we looked during our preview and hopefully there isn’t anything hidden. Matt and Steve get to work moving all the items leaning on the car, and airing up the tires. Thankfully the estate has a machine to help move the car, hopefully it rolls free and gets to see the light of day!!