Classic Workhorse: This 1965 Dodge D600 Flatbed Truck Is The Perfect Foundation For A Salt Cruiser!

Classic Workhorse: This 1965 Dodge D600 Flatbed Truck Is The Perfect Foundation For A Salt Cruiser!

Are any of you shocked that Brian and Chad both are going nuts over the rigs that are out at Bonneville right now? No, not the race cars…the big trucks and RVs that are serving as homes on the salt pan. It’s almost like Wonder Twin powers: Brian’s big truck kink, coupled with Chad’s recreational vehicle fetish, turns two otherwise solid-minded men into drooling fiends that can’t stop staring or shooting pictures. And they say that I have “ooh, shiny!” moments…

Well, just to exacerbate their shared love for the big and lumbering, let’s break out this 1965 Dodge D600 flatbed truck that is currently up for bidding on a public surplus auction. Powered by a 361 and shifted via a five-speed with two axle ratios, rolling on 9.00 x 20.00 stock that really could use some fresh rubber, and looking for all intents and purposes like a Forest Service rig that has been treated rather well over the decades, on it’s own this Dodge is pure Lohnes fodder.

surplus dodge 3

But what about Chad? Look at the size of that flatbed and tell me you couldn’t make something awesome with that kind of real estate sitting back there. You could even make something temporary and anchor it to the bed rails if you don’t want to give up the flatbed.

Classic looks, 1950s era Mopar power, in a brute of a machine. Certainly they could back this beast, especially when bidding is just north of two grand for a running and operable truck, right?

Public Surplus link: 1965 Dodge D600 Flatbed

surplus dodge 1(Thanks to Fred Timmons for the tip!)


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8 thoughts on “Classic Workhorse: This 1965 Dodge D600 Flatbed Truck Is The Perfect Foundation For A Salt Cruiser!

  1. James Boos

    These things are great! The front fenders are hinged and swing open to gain access to the engine. A lot easier to work on the engine that way.

  2. RB

    Replace the 361 with a Cummings, put a rollback on it, some fresh paint, and a fresh interior, and you have a great car carrier.

    1. Ogrebonz

      It’s Cummins dude, no ‘g’. Really. You can check the huge decal on the back window of 50% of the bro’dozers in your trailer park.

      1. GravyGoodness

        It irks me too when people say Cummings! You would think that if they are that much of a fan of the engines they would actually know what they are a fan of….

  3. Jerry Rose

    You need to do more research . This is not a D series truck as posted, not a Sweptline.
    This is a C series.
    Nice coverage though.

  4. Threedoor

    45 miles north of me. I do not need it, but my dad is an early 60’s round head Dodge guy.

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