When Brian Dehart sent us the link to this big beast, the very first thing that popped into my head was BBC’s Top Gear. Maybe that’s because I had just been watching the Top Gear Top 41, where they built the Top Gear Space Shuttle. This thing sorta looks like something they would build, albeit without the Top Gear required duct tape and bailing wire. Apparently this is a 1972 Rectran Discoverer which is pretty rare. Not rare valuable, just rare there aren’t many of them around. And am I the only one that sees some kind of scary similarity to some of the ugly early Camaro Pro Mod bodies? Follow me here. The grill is so small and the hood so curved, that it reminds me of some of the ’67 and ’68 Camaro Pro Mod bodies. Do you see it?
Anyway, the Rectrans Discoverer is rare enough that finding any real useful information on them proved to be a little difficult, but the basics are pretty clear. There seems to be fairly widespread consensus that Larry Shinoda was at least partially responsible for the design on the body of this bad boy. It’s still ugly, but in a sorta cool retro way so we’re good with it. The inside is full on retro modern cool, and looks like something you would have seen at Disney in the Home of the Future exhibit.
There are some cool things that the seller is claiming about wind tunnel testing, and an exhaust system that incinerated waste, but we couldn’t find anything definitive answers as to whether that is true or not. So, we’re going to roll with it and say COOL! With a big enough rack up top, so that we could broadcast from it, this thing could be super cool as a BangShift.com mobile command center.
What do you think?
The full listing is below, along with several cool pics.
I am selling my 72 Rectrans discoverer. This is a solid motorhome with a 413 dodge powertrain -729 transmission.Body is fiberglass-designed by Larry Shinoda-he also designed 64 MAKO Shark Corvette. The was one of the first futuristic designed motorhomes,my understanding is that it was the first to be tested in a wind tunnel-designed to achieve 10 MPG.
Also originally had an exhaust system that would incinerate waste. Only 1500 built.It is a head-turner to say the least. It runs and drives. Was last used to camp in 2012. Was driven from over 70 miles away when it was delivered to me this year without problem.
Comes with original generator although it has been removed. Tires are all up and good with no dryrot. All holding tanks are solid. Has newer dual exhaust.New curtains, carpet and upholstery- Seats have not been re-upholstered but the material is there.A/C has been removed. Has broken pvc drain but is easily accessible.
Electric works. I was told that the fridge, water heater,stove and furnace work but they are UNTESTED, therefore I am selling this AS-IS.
Windshield and two windows have a cracks,windshield wipers and horn don’t work,ignition switch has been replaced with a series of switches and button.Has telescoping rear bumper that pulls out so as to haul toys on back .Also has Reese style hitch.It has no roof leaks but a portion of the ceiling has been recovered.Commode flush valve is broken.Clearly this is a project but it is drivable and could be used with a little work.I would recommend seeing firsthand. Contact me for arrangements if interested.
OH MY GOD – that is so f*ing ugly I want it. Badly. I’d buy a case of flat black spray and mount up a ma deuce.
too rich for my blood, good thing!!! I’d have to fix that colgate stripe. The orange TV reminds me of childhood. Gack that thing is hideous.
I know we’re a marketing based world, but it would be refreshing to see “Project” replaced with “Piece of Shit” and “Needs work” replaced with “Busted up, worn out Piece of Shit” , “Camped in it last year” means overheated on the way home, and my girlfriend/wife said that’s the LAST TIME, you’ll be lucky to get home in it.
Sigh. I still want it… man would I catch hell if I drug that steaming turd home. Thankfully it is so incredibly overpriced, negotiation won’t even start!
Now I know why nothing I try to sell on CL sells,I word my adds like Beag’s says above. ^^^^^^^^^^LOL
What is that a Dodge Polaris Grill?
Dodge Van
I’ve seen those before!! They used that thing in a movie back in the ’70s. The movie was called “Slither.” http://www.imcdb.org/i596145.jpg
I’d paint this black and make the front look like a Tasmanian Devil’s head.
Further proof the decline of the American auto Industry started sometime in ’72
If I brought that home, the wife would kill me and set it on fire, with me in it.
drive it down the boat ramp on fire … Viking Funeral !!!
How do you get out of the cab in an emergency? Is there an escape hatch in the roof or is that it under the windshield? Oh yeah, that’s a mid-70’s Dodge van grille…..and do you also say that it incinerates itself (waste)?
If someone were to buy it and restore it and give it to me I would drive it and use it, otherwise it’s Roadkill material.
The company was owned by Bunky Knudsen and they were built in the former Kar Kraft plant in Brighton, MI where the Boss 429 Mustangs were assembled. Small world, huh.
I drive by this thing all the time, and they have other odd rv’s also!
I always thought these things were the result of enterprising private owner trying to improve the aero of his Winnebago. I’m surprised they sold 1300 of them.
So where are Freiburger and Finnegan with the sawzalls to get the drivetrain out of this thing?
I’ve seen a couple of these things. Didn’t know any were still around.
I’d buy it in a heartbeat if the price wasn’t so damn high
Big Willie (r.i.p.) had one just like the ones you guys just described, it was painted flat black and trailering a hacked up hemi totin’ first gen barracuda with a daytona wing and daytona-esque nose with the roof chopped off for good measure, along with a craazy honda powered heavily raked chopper. got a couple of pics with him at i believe 2010-11 mopar spring fling at Van Nuys… it got more attention than the superbirds and hemicudas (could have been Big Willie getting most of the attention but the rig was pretty cool); acording to him, he got it for free from Chrysler Corp. and he had it ever since…
Pure awesomeness, take it to Burning Man, it could win a prize!
I spent 1980 to 1987 travelling around in a Rectrans used as a big band’s (eleven piece orchestra) band bus. We once stopped at a toll booth at 4 a.m. after playing a gig in Jupiter, Florida. The toll booth operator said, “Good God, that thing looked like some kind of space ship driving up here. Where are you guys coming from?” Reply: “Jupiter”. There was a Jartran rental trailer hitched to the back which held all our gear. We referred to it as the “Jartran Module”. The toll both operator asked, “Whatcha got in the back there?” Reply: “Soil samples from the planet Jartran”
I have one of these and mine is also for sale. I’m a Mopar nut, and I LOVE mine. Since I have moved and am trying to buy a new house, I could use the money more than my Discoverer. And yes, they are rare, and even harder to find in good shape. Boy do they turn heads though! Anyway, email me at thesrt10@gmail or look on grand island Nebraska Craig’s list. That’s where mine is… And yes, I WILL drive it to you nearly anywhere!