Can you name your first Hot Wheel car? I can: silver 1984 C4 Corvette, with the red interior and the clamshell hood. In fact, buried in the twenty tons of crap in my garage somewhere, that car still exists. Now, can you name the first Hot Wheels? From their introduction in 1968 until 1977, they are called “Redlines”, because every Hot Wheel’s tires had the redline stripe around the wheel. These are the cars that Hot Wheels collectors go absolutely nuts for, the earlier, the better, and because they tend to be rare and well-used, finding nice examples usually puts collectors into a stir.
If what the seller claims is true, you are looking at over $118,000 worth of Hot Wheels that were made before 1978. It’s all here, from the original 1968 models through the end of the 1977 line, best as we can tell. There is a full list on the eBay auction, but it’s the final number that choked us out. That, and the seller is only asking half of the price. Older me is kicking younger me in the ass right now…if I hadn’t gotten rid of or lost so many Hot Wheels as a kid, I probably would’ve had enough money to give my retirement account one hell of a shot in the arm.
Man that’s allooooooddaa money!
If they were all mint maybe?
Lots of very clean, hard to come by pieces in that collection!
I would give him $185.00 for them. Their old hot wheels… Of course there is some lunatic that may give him more than what I’m offering. You could buy a nice street rod, muscle car, or race car for that.
Have we lost our minds… they are old toys!