The downside to hosting an event at Beech Bend Raceway Park after the last week in August is the weather. When it’s good, it is absolutely stunning, with the trees turning and the grass greening up from the early autumn showers. Unfortunately, by mid-Friday afternoon, it was obvious that Mother Nature was going to water the lawn again, but at least this time she gave plenty of forewarning before the drops started to fall. And luckily for us, most of the participants stuck around until just before the skies opened up. While the auto crossers did their thing in the circle track and the NDRL racers tore the quarter-mile up, we were roaming the expansive show fields, checking out some of the iron, like this knockout Chevrolet Kingswood wagon. We have more photos on the way, but for now, click on a photo below to continue our visual walk around as we admired the scenery!