
the car junkie daily magazine.


Bonneville Thursday Update: Salty Italians, Thrashing for a Legend, Sub-Speed Limit LSR Racing and now more photos.

Bonneville Thursday Update: Salty Italians, Thrashing for a Legend, Sub-Speed Limit LSR Racing and now more photos.

The So-Al Special Two Banger set a record this morning at 32.419 mph which is “Blazingly slow” according to Freiburger. His best comment was when reciting the end of the run and describing me, BangShift Chad, jumping out of the moving push truck. “Why the hell is Chad getting out of the truck so fast? And why does he have a fire extinguisher?” When I approached he looked at me funny and asked ” am I on fire?” It was just oil smoke, but funny nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the 32-mph record was blown to bits by another competitor who ran nearly 130-mph so we don’t leave with the record, but we do leave with the trophy. We also leave with a kick ass life long story.

To see Thursdays Photo Gallery, use this link.

The 30mph Camaro!

The 30 mph Camaro!


In other news: The Gus Gus Streamliner from Italy apparently got it’s driver, Estaban Carrera ( honestly we aren’t sure that is even italian, but the dude had lots of hair, gold chains, and a thick accent, so call him what you like), into the 300 MPH Chapter of the 200 MPH Club. On that note, the 200 Club also created a new Chapter, the 400 MPH Chapter who will have Black hats. 12 drivers are current 4 club members, including George Poteet, driver of the Speed Demon Streamliner who once again claimed the coveted Hot Rod Top Time Trophy.

Gus Gus, the Italian streamliner

Gus Gus, the Italian streamliner

BMR Racing’s Alan Fogliadini can be seen here before and after running 288 mph in the 5th mile in his injected nitro roadster. The B Fuel Roadster hauled ass, and we were there at the finish to interview Fogi. Most of the interview isn’t quite printable, but that doesn’t bother us. While standing in the car, I said to Fogi that he was a crazy son of a bitch. His response? “Let’s just cut to the chase Chad I’m a stupid m*&^#* f*@^$#r!” Fogi and the entire BMR Racing team rule all and represent our club, The Milers, well.

Only a lunatic would drive this thing!

The lunatic that drives this thing!

Sorry for the delay on updates readers, but we were helping out icon Gene Winfield who called on BangShifter DieselGeek and BangShift Chad to help with his roadster. Before it was over, we had several engine builders, Mike Copeland from Lingenfelter, and all of us thrashing both in the pits and later in the hotel parking lot. Gene had spun the car earlier in the day at 219 on the hunt for a Red Hat. When the car spun it also spun the motor backwards and ultimately hurt the valves. We would not stop until we were absolutely sure that the car could not run, but in the end we were out of the running. Gene is an incredible man, amazingly talented, and an absolute riot to hang out with. We were proud to help him and wish we could have gotten him in the club this year. If Yates will get the motor freshed in time, Gene says he’ll be back for the World Finals in October.

The legendary Gene Winfield

Gene Winfield thrash



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5 thoughts on “Bonneville Thursday Update: Salty Italians, Thrashing for a Legend, Sub-Speed Limit LSR Racing and now more photos.

  1. GuitarSlinger

    Carrera – Most likely Italian . Esteban . Well maybe not so much , but then again there’s so much cross over with names in the EU these days , who knows . One bad looking ride those Italians brought over though .

    Gene W. Rock On ! Another ” Old Guys Rule ”

    Any word on John Fitch for this year ?

  2. DanStokes

    Chad – Slight correction on the Gus Gus (pronounced “Goose Goose”) car. The name on the paper work as the owner and driver was Fabio Mondavi (if I got the spelling right). I handled that paper work several times as he was hangin’ in Impound unless he was driving the thing.

    It has one of those hemi-headed SBCs. Maybe someone else can chime in here, but I know they’re used in some kind of racing or other and are a store-bought piece. Not any store where I shop!

    He didn’t get his final bump as the wind was too much for him to safely attain the needed speed.

    BTW – Fabio ain’t no spring chicken, speaking of “Old Guys Rule”. Does this mean I rule? I’m an old guy…….

    And on David and Keith’s effort. They get the “Lemonade out of Lemons” award, for sure. The Hudson Boys were pretty cool, too.


  3. Fabio montani

    Just the case to point out nobody in our team is named esteban carrera ,nobody has long hairs or wear gold chains. My name is fabio montani owner builder and driver of gus gus streamliner and we took seriously the challenge to race on the salt like any other kind of motorsport.

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