
the car junkie daily magazine.


Cruise Night Photos: Maryville Tennessee’s Hot Rod Scene Is Happening

Cruise Night Photos: Maryville Tennessee’s Hot Rod Scene Is Happening

Maryville, Tennesee, which is pronounced more live “Murvil” or “Marevil”, is a cool little Eastern Tennesse town. It’s home to our own Mad Matt Graves from American Powertrain, the RevFoto gang who shot these photos, and is also the stomping grounds of regular BangShift contributor Tommy Lee Byrd. So it’s safe to say that if we know those guys are all around Maryville, and at least another few dozen car guys and gals we know are within 40 miles, then it must be a good hot rod hangout kinda joint.

The Foothills Mall Cruise-In that happens there all summer is living proof. Each cruise-in has 100 cars or more, consisting of mostly hot rods and muscle cars. The late model guys get in on the deal too, and that’s cool, but the gang at RevFoto are all about hot rods and muscle cars so we’ve got cool photos from the last event. Big thanks to RevFoto, one of our newer BangShift contributors, for sending in all this stuff for you guys to look at.

I want this one!

Cruise Night Maryville Tennessee Foothills Mall July 2013 054

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2 thoughts on “Cruise Night Photos: Maryville Tennessee’s Hot Rod Scene Is Happening

  1. Robert

    I was born in New York City and lived in Los Angeles for a few years. But never have I seen more car enthusiast events than here in Tennessee where I have been living for over 20 years. I frequently attend a Friday cruise-in located in Hendersonville Tennessee that consistently draws over 200 cars and sometimes as high as 400. There is also a cruise-in that attracts well over 400 cars in Murfreesboro Tennessee. Considering that these events are run by just a handful of dedicated individuals is amazing. The cruise in Hendersonville ends the Friday before Halloween with a “Trunk or Treat” theme which is a major hit with the kids.

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