
the car junkie daily magazine.


Event Coverage: Kyle’s Ice Cream Cruise… As In 1320 Video Kyle… This Thing Was Huge

Event Coverage: Kyle’s Ice Cream Cruise… As In 1320 Video Kyle… This Thing Was Huge

While in Kansas for the Goodguys show, which was mostly rained out, we hung out with several of our Kansas and Missouri based Drag Week buddies in preparation for the big event next week. While trying to do some testing with Jeff McConnell and the gang, we ended up at the Mid America Motorplex up in Iowa and completely by accident ended up at Kyle’s Ice Cream Cruise 2012. This is one huge ass event, and we were surprised that we had never heard of it since we know the 1320Video crew so well. Apparently it started out a few years ago as a small thing with a few folks cruising around Omaha going from ice cream shop to ice cream shop in their cool cars. Well, that has grown into an event that helps out charity, includes cars, ice cream, and lot so people, and finishes up with 1400+ cars rolling into Mid America Motorplex for late night drag racing.We estimate their had to be 5000 people walking around minimum.

The crowd was so huge this year that the state police had to close down a freeway exit near the track and make the folks go 4 miles down the highway in order to keep the backup on the freeway to less than 3 miles. Yeah, it was that kinda nuts. The Mid America Motorplex crew was great at getting folks in the door and teched, had an awesome selection of food and drinks, including dollar ice cream of course, and really worked hard to help Kyle put on a great show. With so many cars on site, they even opened up the front straight on their road course for arm drop drags so that everyone had as many passes as possible. It was really a cool event, and you should attend next year if you are within a few hours drive of this place.

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1 thoughts on “Event Coverage: Kyle’s Ice Cream Cruise… As In 1320 Video Kyle… This Thing Was Huge

  1. Eliteman76

    Awesome time, aside from sitting in 2+ miles with a mechanical clutch in the Torino. Perfect weather, plenty of fun, and everyone was pretty civil and enjoyed themselves.

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