
the car junkie daily magazine.


Flying Streamliners, Spinning Roadsters, and More at Bonneville Speed Week 2012

Flying Streamliners, Spinning Roadsters, and More at Bonneville Speed Week 2012

Holy Crap! Today was nuts. Seriously nuts. By shear dumb luck and determination we happened to be at the perfect spot to catch some real pucker factor “stuff” going down at the top end of the long course today. We have dozens of photos from the top end showing chutes out, streamliners flying, and our favorite roadster driver practicing his pirouettes. Sorry Fogie, you don’t have the legs for it, so lets try just driving straight next time around, pun intended. Plus, I think the guys out on the course will feel better that way too.

Keep in mind, the two cars doing the crazy antics are amazingly prepared, well driven cars. The BMR Roadster, which is legendary thanks to a 96% load of nitro in the Jerry Darien built 370 inch A-Fuel motored roadster has a  300 mph goal, and they have been really really close a couple times.

The other car was the Mara Streamliner built by Hanna. The chutes on that car must be wrong in every way, because when they came out today the ENTIRE CAR left the ground. It was awesome but scary. No bueno. I’ll pass.


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