
the car junkie daily magazine.


More Photos: Hot Rods On The Salt At Bonneville Saturday Part 2

More Photos: Hot Rods On The Salt At Bonneville Saturday Part 2

Bonneville is as much about hot rods as it is about racing. It’s a hot rodders dream, no destiny, to make the pilgrimage to the famed Bonneville Salt Flats, even if it’s not during Speed Week. Of course any hot rodder worth their salt, pun intended, should grab a bag of clothes, some beer money, and a tool kit and hit the road in search of salt fever during Speed Week in August. The fact that this one is the 65th running of Bonneville Speed Week makes it extra special and seems to have attracted an even greater group of hot rods than usual. We’ve shot features on two of them already, and have even more planned for this week. You’ll get to see them in full detail over the next few weeks, but we’ve put in a couple preview shots as well. See if you can tell which ones they are, and click the links below to see any and all of the photos we have posted so far. Stay tuned for more coming to you throughout the week.









Bonneville Speed Week 2013 Hot Rods Salt Speed Demon Vesco SCTA BNI 005

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