
the car junkie daily magazine.


Wickam Fell Down A YouTube Rabbit Hole And Found Mooneyes Japan Show Footage

Wickam Fell Down A YouTube Rabbit Hole And Found Mooneyes Japan Show Footage

(Words by Charles Wickam) I have to admit I will go down a YouTube rabbit hole any chance I get and sometimes come across some great and wild stuff. I recently went down the hole in Japan and came across this video of show coverage from the 34th annual Mooneyes Street Car Nationals held just outside Tokyo Japan. This yearly show brings out some of the greatest custom vehicles Japan has to offer with its vast array of Japanese, American, and European cars and trucks.

It’s like something you would find at your local cruise night with your new daily drivers to exotics to crusty old rat rods, this show has it all and on a level like I have never seen, truly amazing variety of cars, trucks, vans stock, lifted and of coarse my favorite, lowered.

A word of advice before watching this, stay away from the cold drinks and snacks and keep the remote in your hand if watching on your tv cause you will be pausing the video numerous times and saying “holy crap that’s cool” several times throughout, I know I did.


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1 thoughts on “Wickam Fell Down A YouTube Rabbit Hole And Found Mooneyes Japan Show Footage

  1. Kully

    I was in Japan in early 2020; I had my neck snapped side to side trying to keep up with all the cool cars being driven around.

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