I’m going to describe a racing series:
Racing held on city circuits in 9 different countries, including 2 races in the United States
– 1800 pounds of carbon fiber and aluminum
– 0-60 in 3 seconds
– No traction control
Seems pretty good so far? Let me go on:
Each team can modify the drivetrain to their heart’s desire within the written technical constraints
– 10 teams, backed by such names as Michael Andretti and Alain Prost
Still on board? Well, there’s one last very important detail:
All vehicles are powered solely by an electric motor that generates a maximum of 200kw (Equivalent to 270 HP) and are limited to 140 MPH.
Welcome to Formula E, an FIA-backed racing series whose inaugural season will commence in September of next year.
Every group has a nerd. Both Brian and Chad will admit (Ok, freely and openly discuss in public) that of all the contributors to Bangshift, I am that nerd. A new adjustable shock is introduced by Ridetech? I’m reviewing the shock dyno plot. New line of wheels released? I’m searching to find out how much they weigh.
In theory Formula E should be right up my alley: Another high profile racing series in the United States is a good thing, and it’s awesome that actual city streets will be used, especially from the viewpoint of a potential spectator. I’m also digging that manufacturers are allowed the freedom to modify the vehicles within the guidelines provided by the FIA, as this breeds innovation and competition.
While this next statement may get my Bangshift membership card revoked, I’ll even admit that the 100% electric drivetrain is not a complete turnoff. As automotive enthusiasts we need to be realistic about the industry, and electric vehicles are (For better or for worse) a growing segment. Rather than fighting the tide of Prii (Yes, that’s the official term for a group of Prius, and yes, I had to look it up), Volts, and Leaf that threaten to smother us with blandness and a cupholder for every seat, we should support any group that seeks performance out of electric vehicles.
That said, I’m not completely sold.
For starters, there’s the sound:
It’s like a giant wind-up toy from Hell, albeit one that can rip donuts on command (Maybe that isn’t so bad after all?).
Next, there’s the limited power output:
While the equivalent of 270 HP isn’t terrible given the curb weight of the vehicles, this power is only available full-time during practice and qualifying sessions. During the race itself, the cars are limited to 133kw (180 HP) with a “push to pass” feature that allows a temporary motor boost to maximum power.
But wait, it gets “better”: While all drivers have a limited number of times they can use “push to pass”, an additional push to pass will be granted to a driver based on social media input from fans. Don’t worry, it’s not just you, my head is on fire as well trying to comprehend how this could be entertaining for anyone besides fans of American Idol.
There’s also the twice-per-race mandatory pit stop, which consists of the driver exiting the current vehicle and running to a fully-charged replacement vehicle. Personally, I’m curious to see if this rule will be relaxed over time as battery range is extended through innovation.
So, there we have it. On one hand, I’m excited to see what technology breakthroughs for batteries may come from this series, and the idea of any type of legal wheel to wheel driving on city streets is always a thrill. On the other hand, the neutered power output combined with push button “speed boosts” and an online popularity contest (Let’s call it what it is) are a real turnoff. There’s also the sound as well, which, try as hard as I can I just can’t get my head around. Maybe this will change with time, but there’s nothing like the sound of a pack of high-winding motors screaming in anger. In comparison, an electric motor is too cold and inhuman.
Even with these reservations, will I still be looking forward to watching the series? Hell yeah.Will I be signing into my Twitter/Facebook/<Insert flavor of the month social media site> to give one driver an advantage, and will I be watching the broadcast on mute with the subtitles on? That remains to be seen.
That said, I’d like for you to read up on the series and let us know your opinion in the comments: http://www.fiaformulae.com/guide/car
Meh. Why not just go with giant r/c cars, save all the trouble of having drivers at risk, and go with it. Not that I would watch that, either, but I am sure not going to pay any attention to an electric car racing series tied in to social media fads. That being said, look for this sort of crap to be the racing of the future.
Where to start……..I watched the video above and I have to say it sounds a little like a hen I knew years ago, except her nagging noise was a bit louder.
I’m digging the electric part, but the puss to pass social media racing decisions part made me throw up… almost on my keyboard. Sorry, cat, it’s a bad day here too.
WTF on fully charged replacement vehicle? W . T . F … ?!!? If they can’t make the distance with one battery pack, they need to rethink this. WEAK. The reason I won’t buy a puddle jumper full electric now is range. Needs at least 250 mi. and they aren’t there. The purpose of racing, in my mind, is to further develop whatever it is they are racing. How is two cars with a full charge gonna get me better batteries?
truth be told, after the bile purge induced by the social media standings decisions, who cares.
Not cool, I didn’t bother with the video.
Put the cars in the pits and change out batteries! Surely don’t need a back up car for a pit change. Change out batteries as fast as F1 does engine work. The boost to pass is cool but the social media thing is stupid.
Formula Forklift
As long as they go bankrupt on their own dime and not taxpayer subsides stollen from me.
The only good thing about this series? You won’t go deaf!
Electric? OK, I actually kind of like that. Sound and all
Push to pass feature? Yep, that’s fine, I’d put a higher limit on it, maybe in the 6 – 10 range.
Social Media interaction? No. Big turn off. Sorry.
Mandatory car switch? No. C’mon, if it were a complete replacement of the battery pack, that’d be different, might be interesting to see how fast they could do that. Switching cars seems, well, stupid and draws attention to the fact that electric vehicles have a very limited range which I’m sure is counter to the “raising EV awareness” directive that’s behind this.
it sounded cool right up until the “restrictor plate” install…meh, you can have it, I dont want it.
Suck ? Hell …. suck doesn’t even come close . Try more like pretentious GreenWeenie Wanna Be BS magnified times ten with a healthy dose of Delusion and Hype thrown in for good measure .
If I want to watch ‘ Slot Cars ‘ I’ll set up the track in my basement and watch em for free all day long . Or better yet as someone else suggested … I’ll head down to the local R/C track.
BWTM – The truly and one and ONLY good thing about this series is all bets being it’ll be gone within 24 months
It sounded pretty good up until the “push to pass” thing seemed to run smack into the “Each team can modify the drivetrain to their heart’s desire within the written technical constraints” rule – the two seemed to conflict, and I’d rather see it just set up so that the driver can control how much juice is applied, and if you overuse the feature, then you’re hosed because you don’t have enough charge to finish the race. And the social media popularity contest sounds like an unmitigated bad idea.
I’m not against the idea of an electric car racing series. After all, if something moves under its own power, gearheads will find a way to race it. Just take out the social media feature – and while you’re at it, change the pit stop from a car change to making the crew swap a battery pack.
I was good with it until the HP/speed limits AND vehicle change.
It would be way better with both those provisions removed. Changing batteries at pit stops is almost acceptable, as at least it would still drive innovation to get more life out of the batteries (reducing the need for pit stops). HP caps suck because on an electric motor, you can drive more HP out of it at the expense of distance, let the driver decide on that one. If you are coming down the last stretch, have 15% battery life, let it eat! if you are scraping by on 2%, you might not have enough to make it! All part of the game.
Totally agreeing here. HP is HP and racing is racing what ever is powering it. The artificial constraints are just goofy.
I am not excited, but, what if some kid is and he gets excited about faster cars? Excited about acceleration, about handling, brakes etc.? Why not? I doubt this will pull much in the way of resources from exisitng racing. Did you all see the WSJ story about minivan racing? Cheap and fun…do I like it? Nope, but who knows who it draw that is tomorrows John Force or Jimmy Johnson or James Hinchcliffe?
Can’t do it, with out the roar of the engine, soory no interest.
This Al Gore racing series doesn’t realize that open wheel cars sometimes touch wheels creating big accidents, combined with lithium batteries and possible battery explosions, it should make great social media when some battery powered race cars collide.
I’d rather charge up my R/C trucks and race then than watch this shit.
I like it as well.. but maybe in conjuction with a self balanced traditional ICE. Those are famous right now as well, porsche and audi (diesel tron), even a Ferrari.. big engine and electric. To go way back in time, porche actually played with that stuff on a four cylinder boxer. The world has tangents from there.. 40 years or more. All electric, it is still young, and physics that bite back…not a fan entirely.
An all electric racing series. awesome. Limits on HP and push to pass feature. NOOOO!!!
social media involvement! Really!!!! Mandatory car swaps, not working for me. Part of the problem with most racing today is the sanctioning bodys in charge put everyone in a box. It needs to be no rules except safety rules, make it safe and let the teams have at it. Battries would get better and electric motors would become even more efficient. I doubt very seriously I will pay much attention to this series.
Who cares where the power comes from? Racing is racing and, being a giant nerd as well, this could be potentially cool.
Remember, electric is instant power, these buggers could be flying big time once batter technology starts movin’ up.
Call me old fashion, but I just loved to hear the engine sound of the F1-Ligier Matra bouncing off the buildings in Long Beach back in the late 70’s.
I’ll pass on the power scooters!
Garlits has it right. The future of Electric Racing is Drag Racing. Maximum Torque at stall rules. The only caveat is when parts get pushed to their limit and it’s time for them to go boom and make large clouds of smoke Electric Racing will get very ugly very fast. No oildowns though!
The Michelin Man standing on the curb didn’t even seem impressed. Might watch it once or when Im in bed sick.
whats the range on these ? the Indianapolis 90 doesnt quite have the same ring to it as the Indy 500
Laughing at this idea only because of my first-hand knowledge of electric vehicles. They’ve missed the boat entirely. Instead of running a neutered combination against other similarly neutered vehicles, why not go head-to-head with dinosaur-burners? Instead of car swaps, why not swap batteries? Social media input for PTP? Joking, right? Here’s an idea that started off great in the mind of a forward-thinker and was terribly bastardized in a board room full of sponsor and media types.
Keep the weight?structor rules. Drop all limits but add “Single Battery Pack Rated at XXXAmps maybe KAmps. I swap per race.
Or make the packs a control part.
All that Pust to pass,HP limits etc. is just rules for rules.
To start the series it needs to be as open as posible then rule it down the road.
I really didn’t mind the idea since watching the top gear with the Tesla four door. Then you mentioned the popularity rigged boosts and poof , I was done.
Or better yet, single battery pack, one swap per race, set a weight and size limit on the battery pack and some safety rules. Then see how much juice battery pack makers can cram into it. Set the weight limit low enough that you can’t run it balls to the walls the whole race, and drivers will have to use strategy and get the same sort of complexity as a push to pass button, without the obvious meddling.
I’m thinking Texas on this one….. El Paso.
I hope the cars fare better than a Tesla aka Carbecue.
Big rc …
bad enough that most current open wheels race cars don’t have a good sounding motor, but at least they are mostly internal combustion. Maybe good stereo could supply the ear pleasing sounds that make auto racing enjoyable. Give me a V-8
good idea eclipsed by massive fail. I’ve watched a few electric drag bike vids and thought yep, I can dig that, fast as all hell with endless potential for improvement – so why hobble this and make it deliberately have turn off features built in?? Go with the electric motor bit, drop the bullshit limits and other stunts to ` regulate’ it and let em go nuts… worry about regulating it if and only if there are problems. If they approached it like this then it wouldn’t be long before these are quicker than F1’s or whatever – THEN I’ll watch it – hell, I can’t watch f1 cos it is soo boring – this’d have to be faster before it’d get my interest up…
EEEEEwwwwwww. No thanks
Not interested. I think they should leave it wide open except for safety rules and get rid of the moronic social media BS.
Batteries are heavy, so they would be the major constraint. Want to make more power at light weight = more pit stops to change the batteries. Want super long range = more weight weight from the larger batteries.
Batteries are limiting factor and it would be interesting to see the various strategies used (heavier/longer range vs. lighter/more pit stops.
I’ve seen a motorcycle run at the drag strip that was electrick, and it was awesume, No sound at all and instant power, but Formula E??? I don’t think so, and definetly not “social media” I just can’t see the draw. Well it may appeal to the football fans they will watch anything.
sucks like granny with her false teeth out!!
Sounds like a pissed off RC car. I’m out.
It’s a great idea, IMHO. Racing is racing, and it’s freakin fun! But, I don’t like the whole idea of putting limits on the max power of the cars on raceday. It feels like you are holding back, in a way. Maybe FIA could drop the limit and allow other setups to enter. Make it grass-roots. Make it come up the way racing itself came up. Run-what-ya-brung style. 2wd, 4wd, one giant motor, four smaller motors to drive individual wheels(think of the tuning there lol!!) Make it so every race is a true unknown and fans will come out in droves to see who is doing what this week!!