You can’t be a gearhead and not have some sort of ego issue going on. You just can’t. You can downplay it all you want, but in the end, you and yours has to rule in some shape or form…and watch all hell break loose when competition is introduced. The first race went down the second that Car #2 entered the scene, and since then racing has simply been a case for who can do more. Or, to get away from my normal flowery writing, tell me with an honest face that at some point in time, you haven’t pulled into the parking lot at the grocery store, or at work, or wherever and didn’t spend a couple of minutes sizing up the competition. You aren’t going to race Susan and her RX300, but you sleep better knowing that you could dust her ass in a competition if she was to meet you at a red light, ready to start something.
Between the three of us, Chad takes the top billing. Between the wagon and the other projects we know about, he’ll dust our ass in a heartbeat. If my numbers are correct, I’m second place with Angry Grandpa’s 13.09 pass from Atco Dragway, and the last figures I have on Buford T. Justice put the big Caprice in the low 14s (admittedly, before some key upgrades were made, so who knows now?) The likelihood of seeing a head-to-head-to-head flogging of the BangShift beasts of burden isn’t in the cards, but over at the Hoonigan shop, they had a no-kidding throwdown of the daily drivers. Yes, it’s a short lot and isn’t even close to a quarter mile, but it’s long enough to work…score on the launch and you’d have it in the bag! What won? Click play below to find out…