If we didn’t know better, we’d swear that Tesla was diving headfirst into the horsepower wars and had painted a target directly on the back of Dodge’s Hellcat twins. During a press conference on Friday, Elon Musk unveiled the newest update to the Model S. The car actually has a nickname: no kidding, the car is actually called the P90D “Ludicrous”…as in “Ludicrous speed!” from the movie Spaceballs. Fitted with a new 90 kWh battery pack, the P90D gets one very swift kick in the backside. The basics are all you need to know: this seven-passenger, five door sedan is now packing 762 horsepower, up from the P85D’s original 691 horsepower. The 2.8 second 0-60 MPH time means that this Tesla can now go screw with the heads of Lamborghini Gallardo owners, and that 10.9 second quarter looks aimed directly at the Hellcat Challenger, which has been the benchmark for the Tesla’s performance capabilities after the infamous “Tesla Beats Hellcat!” incident and video. The top speed has also gotten a boost, up to 155 miles an hour.
The P90D “Ludicrous” will be a $10K option for new Model S buyers, and P85D buyers can upgrade to the 90 kWh battery pack for $5,000. The “Ludicrous” system will also appear in the Model X SUV, which will debut this quarter. While Tesla detractors will no doubt decry anything the company does, we have to wonder: between the P90D “Ludicrous”, Model X “Ludicrous”, and a renewed Roadster (due in four years, according to Musk), how much longer will people see the company as just a flash in the pan when they are selling cars? We saw no less than SEVEN in rural Kansas for some reason…people are buying them, and people are racing them…ask that Hellcat Challenger owner.
I want one. I can’t afford one, but I still want one. Here in LA you can’t dive six blocks without seeing one of these sleek beauties quietly rolling down the road.
Take my word for it my little LaLa Lanf wunderkind . Four of my neighbors own one . To a number they all spend more time in the shop than on the road . Service sucks ! And the turn around time on repairs is outrageous . You really do not . Want one that is . And errr … LA’s TESLA sales figures don’t quite live up to your exaggerated claims either
Now just step away slowly from Musk’s propaganda … get a wiff of some cool fresh air …….if you can find any … clear your brain and the world will start making sense again .. somewhat
Brace yourselves; a long-winded barely-literate tirade of immense grammatical incorrectness is coming…
If you read it in a Ted Kennedy voice it is actually funny.
That’s just hilarious!
I’ll do that!
So now the esteemed Mr Lohnes is passing insults off on the late great Ted Kennedy ? Yeah right Brian . Like you’re in any position to be talking . So how is the corporate shill thing working out for you anyway ? Not so good from what I’m hearing …
.. errr .. y’all checked your grammar punctuation and literacy of late moosey ole bean ? Suffice it to say MENSA has no worries of swelling their ranks with the likes of you .
“.. errr .. y’all checked your grammar punctuation and literacy of late moosey ole bean ? Suffice it to say MENSA has no worries of swelling their ranks with the likes of you .”
I see three glaring logical fallacies here: a personal attack, a “look who’s talking”, and straw man argument.
“.. errr ..” Capitalize the first words of a sentence, and it’s bad form to begin a sentence with a non-word or an ellipsis.
“moosey” This is not a real word.
“ole” This is also not a real word.
“ole bean” What is this, Yorkshire circa 1920?
Don’t put spaces between punctuation points.
D+. You’ve earned it.
By the way, I’m working on my PhD in Geology. Go die in a fire.
I view Elon Musk with a weary eye, but see things like this and think “Hell yeah!”
“Light speed too slow!”
“Light speed too slow?”
“Ludicrous speed!”
I do hope they offer a plaid model =D
IIRC, Elon Musk said that a “plaid” option would be reserved for the next roadster.
My son and grandson actually saw a Tesla locally last week, here in Atlantic Canada. Something I thought would never happen. Told me when the owner approached the car, the door handles popped out to greet his hand. Quite the machines! But too quiet!
Oh good lord ! Now we’re buying into TELA’s unmitigated bull**** ?
Seriously McTaggert . First all of FCA’s fertilizer , then GM’s , then more of FCA’s fertilizer only this time enough to cover the entire state of CA NE and OK …. and now this ?
Whats next on the bull****ometer ? Wait wait . Don’t tell me . I really do not want to know
Here’s the fact . Even IF this pos could live up to Musk’s outrageous claims at best its batteries would be drained by the end of the 1/4
Ahh … the corporate rhetoric and propaganda’s been running rife here at BangShift lately . God I hope the rewards [ wink wink ] are worth it as your credibility slowly dissolves into the sunset .
My credibility? Here’s the facts: If the P90D doesn’t live up to Tesla’s claims, a combination of pissed-off owners and YouTube will take care of that. Likewise with FCA, Ford, GM and any other manufacturer that issues a press release I read. When it comes to issuing out their claims, especially when I don’t have a hope in hell of test-driving the car to verify for myself, my credibility is just fine.
You’re cute. I remember when I was like you. Then I graduated highschool, got a job, realized I was a flaming paintchip eating retard, and started buying and working on cars of my own.
100 some cars into this hobby, mostly old iron, big, small, whatever displacement, and I realize that shit like this is cool. It’s a shame you don’t realize this, but mostly for your own sake. As for the rest of us, the reward comes in seeing your red faced, seething rage in the rearview mirror.
Happy motoring friend. 🙂
There is a shitload of these here where I live. My brother in law was in one 2 weeks ago and he did it pulls like freight train,incredibly fast. I see alot of them on flatbeds too though. Oh yeah ,Ted Kennedy was a murder and a drunk f*ck him.
What is the proposed method of disposing of all those 220 lb batteries when they are done in? BTW, bring it!
There was a test drive of hybrid and electric cars here a few weeks ago, I went in and of course I picked the Tesla and if I had the $$$ I’d buy one in a heart beat. It’s a really fun car to drive around. It DOES pull like a freight train, the battery being under the car it gives a very nice stability feeling.
It’s like you’re on rails.
Yes it’s electric… so what? Grow up! A car doesn’t always have to be a V8 americam built car (even if it’s what I’m currently driving).
It’s a sports car! Instead of fighting each other and being snobs about other cars in the hobby we should all be pulling in the same direction.
I always think of Teslas like this. They may not be your thing, and you may not like them, but you have to admit they are cool. That a relatively new American company can make an all electric car that can go toe to toe with some of the best coming out of Germany, Japan, or Italy is something impressive. Besides, they look pretty good and for every one of those you see, that is one less piece of Tupperware driving around burning our gas.