
the car junkie daily magazine.


Do You Need More British Sidecar Racing? You Probably Do.

Do You Need More British Sidecar Racing? You Probably Do.

The British F1 Sidecar Championship has become one of our favorite discoveries of 2016. Sure, sidecar racing has been around for more than a half-century and the Isle of Man TT sidecar races are epic, but we love seeing these guys running three-wheels to three-wheels every few weeks in Europe. Luckily, the series posts all of the races from the season on YouTube and because the “passengers” take such a beating while leaning out into the 100 mph abyss, the races are short and sweet.

The season’s penultimate round was at Assen TT, the Dutch circuit that has been famous for decades as one of the best motorcycle tracks in the world. The racing is great and the passengers are as ballsy as ever, hanging off the bikes’ backs and sidecars to give grip through the Assen’s maze of corners. The best part of this, we like to harp, is that these guys race sidecars because it’s something they love. There’s no money in it, just the camaraderie and the pounding adrenaline of clinging to a precipice and seeing only the blur of the track surface at the end of your nose and the wall flashing by a few feet beyond that.

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1 thoughts on “Do You Need More British Sidecar Racing? You Probably Do.

  1. Bryan R

    Hey Eric, thanks for noticing the sidecars again. It’s cool to see fellow sidecar racers getting a callout. Keep spreading the word! Cheers

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