When Ridetech announced that they were going to be selling Sharon Voelkel’s bitchin 1971 GTO Convertible, and the famed “Grouchy” 1933 Ford, at the 2014 Barrett Jackson Auction in Scottsdale Arizona, we immediately asked if we could come and hang out for the festivities. Unfortunately we couldn’t attend because we’re in Palm Beach Florida for the PRO Winter Warmup Nitro Test Session that we are broadcasting LIVE on Friday and Saturday. But, since there are a ton of you just like us that want to know what the hell is going on at Barrett Jackson, Bret Voelkel from Ridetech will be giving us daily updates from the show.
We’ve got Bret’s first two days worth of posts right here for you to read, and will be adding each days update from here, so stay tuned for fun and excitement.
Also, go visit Ridetech.com so you can make a guess as to the sales price on the ’33 Ford. The guy that guesses correctly will be getting some cool prizes so make sure you get over there and make your guess.
Monday, Day 1
In what has become a semi regular occurrence, we are selling a couple cars at the Barrett Jackson auction in Scottsdale this year. I am going to attempt to provide a daily update from the auction. Please, no snoring.
Why are you selling your 33 Ford??
I know I’ve been asked that 40 times. It was really an easy decision.
I’ve often said “the happiness is in the achieving, not the having”. The RideTech 33 was intended to be a showcase for our road racing and autocross efforts to promote our new coilover shock line. While we were at it, it became a design exercise to create some zoomy sheet metal trim items in the style of old time race cars. …and to experiment with some new suspension architecture. …and to play with a light car with unrestricted tire size. …and to win some races. …and to get some exposure in the magazines or other media.
The reality is…we’ve achieved all that. Cover of HOTROD and 10 pages inside…outrunning a Lamborghini by a second per lap…winning the Optima Road America race…winning the Goodguys’ autocross championship…top 5 and top 10 Optima Ultimate Street Car…it’ll be a long time before we see that level of success again (or maybe not:)) What now? Anything I do with this car will pale in comparison to what I’ve already done with it. Do I let it sit in a building to gather dust and deteriorate? Do I continue to race it and let it become…common?
No, the best thing to do…the ONLY thing to do… is make it someone else’s. A new owner will jump start the cars popularity and pedigree. Or it may be squirreled away in some nameless collection somewhere never to be heard from again…a chance I’ll have to take.
The side benefit to selling the 33 is to make room in the garage…AND the pocketbook. Like everyone else reading this, I’ve got limitations on both. There is no doubt that the sale will free up precious garage space…hopefully it will free up enough funds to get the next epic Hotrod done!
What if it doesn’t bring enough?
There is no “enough”. I’ve always said if you’re doing this stuff to make money you’re doing it for the wrong reason. Whatever price the car brings is what it is truly worth….and will be more than I’d get by letting it sit in a storage building. While I am obviously confident it will bring a fair price, the car has already paid for itself in smiles per miles.
Will I miss it? Well, I’ll miss hearing the aluminum 427 warm up…I’ll miss being able to brake 100 feet later than everyone else going into a turn because I’m 1000 lbs lighter…I’ll miss seeing people’s reactions at the outrageousness of the whole car.
But those are all reasons why the new owner will want to become the new owner. I guess its kind of like sending your child off to college…a bittersweet day to be sure, but you sure wouldn’t change it.
My impending sadness will somehow and somewhat dissipate after cashing the check. I’m confident it will be completely gone by the time I hit the apex of the first turn this spring in my new ride.
Until then…it’ll be a long week here at Barrett Jackson. Lots of hours, lots of people, lots of fun. I hope to be able to give you all a daily report.
Till tomorrow!
Bret Voelkel
President, Ridetech

Tuesday, Day 2
I have to say…the Barrett Jackson people have this auction thing down pat. EVERYTHING has its process, beginning with submitting a car to be accepted into the auction. I won’t bore you with the details on that (its online for the curious) but I will add that the level of organization is impressive.
The other thing that is impressive is how nice everyone is here. I think Craig Jackson must have sent everyone to charm school! Everyone here is all about “thanks…have a great day…thanks for coming…good luck with your sale…”. Humans like that stuff.
I’m told there is 900,000 sq ft of covered display space here. That is over 22 acres. Plus all the outside displays. It seems like more. Especially about 9:00 at night after being here all day!
We’ve made kind of a big deal about selling the 33 Ford, but we are also selling Sharon’s 71 GTO convertible on Friday afternoon. It’s likely the best all around road car we’ve ever had, but she’s not a convertible girl (too hot, too cold, too windy, might rain, I can’t get the top latched, insert excuse here). So we’re going to build her a 67 Chevelle this summer. That means we need room in the garage and the pocketbook. It’s got everything going for it…red, good suspension and brakes, billet wheels, stereo, A/C, overdrive trans…and a good sale spot. It should do well. I’m probably more disappointed to see that GTO leave than I am the 33, but I just can’t stand to have a car sitting around and not drive it. Bad karma in my book.
The vibe here is great this year…everyone seems in a good mood and eager to buy their dream car. I’ve not heard anyone whining about the economy or slow business. It sure seems busy here for a Tuesday…Friday and Saturday should be a madhouse!
On to Wednesday!
Bret Voelkel
President, Ridetech

Prudume finally getting rid of the snake too. I wouldn’t mind ringing the crap out of that 33 get the tires warmed up. Or get lower valences for a bit of extra down force.
The GTO is a great car. The 33 is an INSANE car. There will be two very happy people going home with RideTech rides.